Aliens : What If…? #2 Available April 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Aliens – #Various – @Marvel –

Author: Various


Thirty-five years after the disaster on Hadleys Hope, company man Carter Burke is eeking out a cursed existence on a backwater asteroid. With his once-promising career in the toilet, Burke’s only remaining purpose in life is to care for his daughter, Brie. She hates him, probably for being a horrible person. And when she finds out what he’s up to now? It’s not going to be a friendly reunion. Has Burke learned his lesson, or is he about to get all of his companions killed again?

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Aliens : What If…? #1 Available March 6

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Aliens – #Various – @Marvel –

Author: Various


For years, fans of James Cameron’s legendary Aliens questioned whether Carter Burke, a company man more hateable than the Xenos themselves, had actually survived the traumatic events on the terraforming colony Hadley’s Hope. Now the actor behind the beloved villain, Paul Reiser, joins his son Leon and the star-studded team of writers and producers Adam F. Goldberg, Brian Volk-Weiss and Hans Rodionoff for a journey back to Hadley’s Hope and the twisted escape of a man who should have died.

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Horror History: Friday, July 18, 1986: Aliens was released in theaters

Sigourney Weaver stars in Aliens, the sequel to the 1979 blockbuster Alien, reprising her role as Officer Ripley, the sole survivor of the spaceship Nostromo’s encounter with a deadly extraterrestrial. This time she returns to the very planet where her nightmare originally began with a squad of heavily armed marines, in a search-and-rescue mission for some missing space colonists.

Read more “Horror History: Friday, July 18, 1986: Aliens was released in theaters”