Horror History: Friday, April 29, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “Nightmare as a Child” premiered

Season 1 Episode 29

Schoolteacher Helen Foley finds a strange and very serious little girl on the stairs outside her apartment. The little girl seems to know her, and tries to jog her memory about a man she saw earlier that day. The man arrives at Helen’s door…

Read more “Horror History: Friday, April 29, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “Nightmare as a Child” premiered”

Horror History: Friday, April 15, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “A Nice Place to Visit” premiered

Season 1 Episode 28

After being shot to death, Rocky Valentine encounters the amiable white-haired Mr. Pip, who gives Rocky everything he wishes for.

Read more “Horror History: Friday, April 15, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “A Nice Place to Visit” premiered”

Horror History: Friday, April 8, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “The Big Tall Wish” premiered

Season 1 Episode 27

An over-the-hill boxer gets a boost from one of his biggest fans – a little boy with an unwavering belief in magic.

Read more “Horror History: Friday, April 8, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “The Big Tall Wish” premiered”

Horror History: Friday, April 1, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “Execution” premiered

Season 1 Episode 26

Just before being hanged for shooting a man in the back, a man in 1880 is transported into the year 1959 by a professor who soon realizes that he has brought forward a savage killer.

Read more “Horror History: Friday, April 1, 1960: “The Twilight Zone” episode “Execution” premiered”