Horror History: Friday, May 22, 1992: Alien 3 was released in theaters

Experience a more visually stunning picture in this restored version of Alien3! Three-time Academy Award nominee Sigourney Weaver returns in Alien3 as Officer Ripley, the sole survivor of the spaceship Nostromo’s encounter with a deadly extraterrestrial in Alien, and subsequent victor over the Alien Queen after an epic battle in the cargo hold of the military transport ship Sulaco in Aliens. After escaping from the alien planet, the ship carrying Ripley crashes onto a remote and inhabited ore refinery. While living in the ore refinery until she is rescued by her employers, Ripley discovers the horrifying reason for her crash: an alien stowaway. As the alien matures and begins to kill off the inhabitants, Ripley discovers that her true enemy is more than just the killer alien.

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Horror History: Friday, May 15, 1992: The Vagrant was released in theaters

Bill Paxton stars in this humorous psychological thriller as an ambitious young executive whose life is turned upside-down by a derelict living across the street (Marshall Bell) and a thick-headed detective (Michael Ironside).

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Horror History: Thursday, May 14, 1992: Scanners III: The Takeover was released in US theaters

A young scanner (Liliana Komorowska, Screamers) with extraordinary telepathic powers transforms into a lethal killing machine after taking one of her father’s experimental drugs.

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Horror History: Wednesday, May 13, 1992: Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil was released direct-to-video

Four students ditch their high school prom for a party at a summer home. However, there is a psychotic priest on the loose determined to punish sinners.

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