Horror History: Wednesday, May 24, 1995: Tales from the Hood was released in theaters

Horror meets the hood in this tale of three young street thugs who visit the mortuary in search of a lost drug stash and end up hearing four terrifying stories from the creepy mortician, intent on deterring them from a life of crime.

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Horror History: Saturday, May 20, 1995: Mosquito was released direct-to-video

An alien starship crashes in a swamp in a U.S. national park. Some mosquitoes begin to feed off the alien corpses, causing the insects to grow to the size of vultures. These mutant insects become very aggressive, killing every human being they find. Will a few survivors fight successfully against this nightmare?

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Horror History: Tuesday, May 9, 1995: Ice Cream Man was released direct-to-video

The kids in this sleepy little town are concerned their ice cream man might be a murderer who puts human parts in his ice cream, which is fair because he basically tells everyone he meets that he is a murderer who puts human parts in his ice cream.

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