Horror History: Friday, May 15, 1981: Happy Birthday to Me was released in theaters

Virginia (Melissa Sue Anderson) is proud that she belongs to a clique. The best students at a private school. But before her 18th birthday, a grueling set of murders take place and her friends are the ones who are falling prey. Could it be her? She suffers from balckouts due to a freak accident oneyear earlier. We soon learn the truth behind her accident and what is going on….

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Horror History: Friday, May 8, 1981: The Burning was released in theaters

A group of summer camp pranksters get the scare of their lives when they target the camp’s creepy caretaker…and he takes bloody revenge! “Gruesome” (The Hollywood Reporter) and “stomach-churning” (Boxoffice), this terrifying tale is “a brilliant slasher flick [and] gory as hell” (slasherpool.com)!

After a cruel joke goes awry, severely burning him and subjecting him to five years of intensive, unsuccessful skin graft treatments, Cropsy (Lou David) is back at camp…and ready to wreak havoc on those who scarred him! With his hedge clippers in hand, he terrorizes the camp and systematically mutilates each victim. Can a few courageous campers save themselves and destroy this demented madman before he kills them all?

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Horror History: Friday, May 1, 1981: The Nesting was released in theaters

Agoraphobic mystery novelist Lauren Cochran decides to leave the city in an attempt to cure her recent writer’s block. She rents an old Victorian house in the quiet countryside, unaware of its shocking history. As those around her suffer increasingly violent deaths, Lauren begins to unravel the truth: the house was once an infamous brothel now haunted by the victims of a bloody massacre.

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Horror History: Friday, May 1, 1981: Friday The 13th Part II was released in theaters

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to camp…here’s even more heart pounding terror. Five years after the horrible bloodbath at Camp Crystal lake, all that remains is the legend of Jason Voorhees and his demented mother, who had murdered seven camp counselors. At a nearby summer camp, the new counselors are unconcerned about the warnings to stay away from the infamous site. Carefree, the young people roam the area, not sensing the ominous lurking presence. One by one, they are attacked and brutally slaughtered. Suspense and screams abound in this compelling chiller.

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