Horror History: Friday, April 2, 1982: The Dorm That Dripped Blood was released in theaters

A college dormitory stands condemned… the dark halls now vacant and unsafe. Student Joanne Murray and her close friends volunteer to help close down the building, unaware a psychopathic lunatic is hiding in the shadows. As the students disappear one by one, Joanne discovers the horrifying reality that if she is to survive, she alone will have to find a way to slay the brutal murderer.

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Horror History: Friday, April 2, 1982: Cat People was released in theaters

Irena is a beautiful young woman entering the new terrain of her sexuality; she discovers love for the first time only to find that the explosive experience brings with it tragic consequences. The tremendous passion of this girl’s first romantic love is so strong, however, it bypasses the chaos around her including her brother’s extraordinary demands as it pushes her on to her own bizarre destiny.

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