Horror History: Friday, May 13, 1994: Night of the Demons 2 was released in theaters

Teenagers from St. Rita’s Academy want to party at a haunted house on Halloween. However, Angela, the hostess from hell, is summoning her army of teen demons to witness the blood-curdling contest between the priests and herself, the princess of darkness. Only a determined nun stands in Angela’s way.

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Horror History: Sunday, May 8, 1994: The Stand debuted on television

Originally aired as a television mini-series, this all-star filmization of Stephen King’s gripping epic of good versus evil chronicles the episodic adventures of a disparate group of people who struggle to reestablish civilization after a man-made catastrophe wipes out most of the world’s population. The world abruptly ends when a deadly virus accidentally escapes from a government sponsored biological warfare laboratory. Soon people are dropping like flies from the plague, but a few survive and find themselves strangely compelled to head into the West. Good-hearted people follow the voice of an ancient black woman and head for Boulder, Colorado. Bad people follow the enigmatic Walkin’ Dude to Las Vegas. It is only a matter of time before the two sides are forced into a climactic battle over the final fate of humanity.

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Horror History: Friday, May 6, 1994: Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead was released in US theaters

In HD for the first time, brothers Mike and Jody reunite to help their friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) destroy The Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) once and for all.

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Horror History: Sunday, May 1, 1994: Shrunken Heads was released in theaters

After being killed by a vicious gang of bikers known as the Vipers, three pals are amazingly resurrected by a mysterious Haitian witch doctor. There is a small catch however, as only their heads are revived and they are only inches tall. Tommy and his two tiny buddies must determine once and for all if a small head can find love and exact revenge in this world of larger, intact humans!

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