A supernatural thriller starring Josh Hamilton and Keri Russell as a husband and wife living in the suburbs, who witness an escalating series of disturbing events. They must fight the deadly force to save their young family.
Read more “Horror History: Friday, February 22, 2013: Dark Skies was released in theaters”Month: February 2013
Horror History: Thursday, February 14, 2013: Axeman was released in theaters
In this 80s-style slasher with a new school twist, nine vacationing twenty-somethings travel to a posh timeshare cabin in Cutter’s Creek for a hedonistic weekend. But their weekend of drinking and debauchery soon turns to horror when an axe-wielding local legend comes to life! Desperately clawing for any chance of survival, these once-estranged friends must band together to take on the bloody beast that’s kept these woods desolate and the townspeople terrified. This weekend will be one to be dismembered. Because this weekend, these friends will face the terror that is… Axeman. This Blu-ray features the official “Axeman” trailer and English subtitles for the deaf and hearing-impaired.
Read more “Horror History: Thursday, February 14, 2013: Axeman was released in theaters”Horror History: Friday, February 1, 2013: The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia was released in theaters
This horrifying tale traces a young family’s nightmarish descent into a centuries-old Southern hell.
Read more “Horror History: Friday, February 1, 2013: The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia was released in theaters”