The Angel of Subjugation by Kishinjou Available April 1

Author: Kishinjou

Just as he thought his tumultuous past was at last behind him, an apprentice blacksmith from a withering village finds himself on the other side of the world and at the mercy of fate once again; the ghosts of a past he knows nothing about have returned to haunt him, and will stop at nothing to integrate him into their wicked schemes once more. When you have to fight tooth and claw just to hang on to what you treasure most, what room is there for finding the truth between the lines? Only by delving into the past can we discover what horrors the future may hold.

A slow-burn narrative that gradually unwinds into a tangled web of unknowns, with a focus on character development and self-discovery. By the turn of the final page, you’ll be desperate to see this calamitous journey through to its end.

