#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Goobers – @thevaultcomics – #CodyZiglar – #RyanLee – #AdrianFWassel – #DershingHelmer –
By: Cody Ziglar (Author), Ryan Lee (Illustrator), Adrian F. Wassel (Editor), Der-shing Helmer (Editor)
Shaun of the Dead meets Nope with an injection of IT in GOOBERS – a hugely humorous horrorfest!
Something strange is bugging the residents of Pine Cove.
Clayton Lowe is headed back to his small Southern hometown, despite his best efforts to leave it in the rearview mirror. Clay’s new friends from grad school are about to meet his old friends from high school and discover that something may have finally changed in the town where nothing ever changes: Pine Cove is ground zero for an infestation of body-snatching alien-bugs.
Time to bury the past.