#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #SomethingCrawledOut – #SonM – #AdrianFWassel – #DershingHelmer – #MadCursed – #VittorioAstone – #JimCampbell –
By: Son M (Author), Adrian F. Wassel (Editor), Der-shing Helmer (Editor), MadCursed (Illustrator), Vittorio Astone (Colorist), Jim Campbell (Letterer)
The Silence of the Lambs meets Something is Killing the Children in the supernatural horror thriller, SOMETHING CRAWLED OUT, where the devil you know may be the most terrifying of all.
The Devil wears many disguises – even the face of a friend.
Something wicked crawled out screaming.
In the small Midwest town of Welling Grove, Edith “Eddie” Miller has no grand plans or great prospects. She spends her days sleeping in and her nights working shifts at the local rest stop. But when her younger sister fails to come home, Eddie unearths a web of missing girls and rotting bodies. The police prove useless, so Eddie teams up with her best friend, Rainer, in a desperate hunt to find her sister. The only thing is…Eddie believes her best friend might be the Devil himself.