#horror – #horrormovies – #MonsterFromTheOceanFloor – #FilmMasters –
Special Edition Release: Up from the forbidden depths comes a Tidal Wave Of Terror! If that sounds like an ad for a Roger Corman production, it is! Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to warn others, no one believes her… or do they? Julie persists in her mission to help the local townspeople, but the closer she gets to unearthing the monster, the more danger awaits! Directed by Wyott Ordung; written by Bill Danch; starring Anne Kimbell, Stuart Wade, Dick Pinner, Jonathan Haze. Special features include: Full length commentary by Tom Weaver and The Weaver Players; a new interview with author Justin Humphreys on the career of Bob Baker; an archival interview with producer Roger Corman about his early career; original theatrical trailer; re-cut theatrical trailer using restored film elements; slideshow of photos from Mike Barnum; and a full color inserted booklet with essay by Tom Weaver.
STARRING: Stuart Wade