#horror – #horrormovies – #WhiteCannibalQueen – #VinegarSyndrome – @VinegarSyndrome –
During the course of a tropical expedition, Jeremy Taylor and his family become the unsuspecting prey of a primitive and cannibalistic tribe. While his wife is savagely killed and devoured, and Jeremy’s arm is also dismembered and devoured, his young daughter is instead taken prisoner by the tribe. Years later, Jeremy has not given up hope of rescuing his daughter and, with the aid of some friends, organizes a new expedition to bring her home. However, to his shock and dismay, he discovers that her white skin and blonde hair have caused her to become worshipped as a god by the cannibals and that she has gained a tolerance for consuming human flesh.
An expectedly outrageous lo-fi cannibal film from Euro-sleaze master Jess Franco (Venus in Furs), this delectable marvel of bad taste stars Al Cliver (The Beyond), Sabrina Siani (2020 Texas Gladiators), Olivier Mathot (Draguse), Franco regular Antonio Mayans (Night of Open Sex) and, of course, his wife and muse Lina Romay (Female Vampire). Bursting with the bizarre and transgressive creative flair for which Franco is known, on top of plentiful gut munching and other perversity, WHITE CANNIBAL QUEEN (aka La Dea Cannibale) remains a fascinating outlier from Franco’s transition between more commercial and erotically-minded fare and his plunge into almost outsider art weirdness throughout the 80s. Vinegar Syndrome is delighted to present this oft-overlooked effort on Blu-ray for the first time, newly scanned and restored in 2K from its 35mm camera negative.
STARRING: Al Cliver, Sabrina Siani, Jérôme Foulon, Lina Romay