Author: Raymond Walker
Do we really know ourselves or just place a mask over who we truly are? Do we have a dark side? A desire you tell no one of, a strange lingering need. Many have. Most have. What then do you do when you discover it?
From the pen of Raymond Walker, master of the horror story comes this collection of shattering tales. You will find yourself growing uneasy, awkward, or strange whilst reading of man’s domination of women, illicit love affairs, nurture destroying nature, monsters who are real and often all too human. Wrath and war seep through into everyday lives and those once good will end up damned. Those damned will revel in the abandonment of Hell. You may feel odd reading these tales, most who read them used the words “uneasy”, Queasy” some suggested, “strange” others “discomfited” Most saw themselves somewhere in these stories.
Mr. Walker draws you in and skews perceptions of yourself while telling some cracking horror stories.