Cursed Images : Scary Stories from a Child of the Internet by Kassidy VanGundy Available March 10

Author: Kassidy VanGundy

Webkinz, Furbies, and Tamagotchis, oh my!

Relive the 2000s in the most gruesome of ways with Cursed Images: Scary Stories from a Child of the Internet by Kassidy VanGundy. In this short horror story collection, the digital world and reality collide, creating a dangerous space in between. Trudge through the terrors of the early web and let your nostalgia become your nightmare.

The Twilight Zone meets listening to “Barbie Girl” by Aqua on loop, this body of work echoes the stories told at your favorite sleep overs. It is a love letter to all of us that are chronically online, who have been escaping to cyberspace for years and find ourselves getting trapped in a rabbit hole of creepypastas to this day.

Hold onto your dolphin nightlight, kids.

After all, what could possibly be scarier than sUm1 WhU tLx LiK dIs?

