#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #WerewolvesofWisconsin – #AndyFish –
Author: Andy Fish
The United States has a rich haunted history not often recounted in school. Beyond the Liberty Bell and right under the presidential noses on Mount Rushmore exists a dark and sinister world, which harbors secret creatures, beings both malevolent and benevolent, that inhabit the nation–ghosts and monsters unwilling or unable to abandon the American landscape.
Hitchhike along on this transnational road trip with excursions to the most haunted American locations, including the home of Lizzie Borden, the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, and the Winchester Mystery House. Close your eyes through Ohio, purported to be the most haunted state in the nation.
Watch out for the Frozen Bodies in Lake Tahoe, the Werewolves rumored to roam a lone stretch of road in Wisconsin, and the Bell Witch of Tennessee. And don’t venture too close to the colonial era cemetery in Leicester, Massachusetts, for as the story goes, the only way out is through Hell.