#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheAutumnKingdom – @OniPress – @cullenbunn – #CullenBunn – #ChristopherMitten – #FrencescofSegala – #TaylorEsposito – # –
By: Cullen Bunn (Author), Christopher Mitten (Cover Art, Artist), Frencescof Segala (Colorist), Taylor Esposito (Letterer)
The deathly dark fairy tale from master of horror Cullen Bunn (Invasive, Harrow County) and Christopher Mitten (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.) descends the treacherous path toward its bloody conclusion!
Sisters Sommer and Winter hunt for clues about how to rescue their parents from the monsters who stole them in the night. What does it mean that they were taken through “the Blight,” where is this mysterious Autumn Kingdom, who are the forest dwellers who so willingly sacrifice outsiders to the murderous fairies, and why does the giant sword they found in the underbrush grant them preternatural fighting abilities, as if it thirsts for goblin blood?