#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Creepshow – @ImageComics – @Skybound – #EdBrisson – #KamiGarcia – #KaelNgu – #IsaacGoodhart – # –
By: Ed Brisson (Author), Kami Garcia (Author), Kael Ngu (Artist), Isaac Goodhart (Artist)
CREEPSHOW, VOL. 3 wraps with a pair of delightfully dark tales! Renowned writer ED BRISSON (Batman) and acclaimed cover artist KAEL NGU (making his interior work debut) bring a frightening fable that starts with hiking and camping—and ends with kicking and screaming!
Then, bestselling author KAMI GARCIA (Teen Titans: Raven) nails her nightmares to the page with artist ISAAC GOODHART (Catwoman) in a story about two very different sisters and one horrifying new home!