Raise Hell (Comixology Originals) Vol. 1 Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #RaiseHell – #JordanAlsaqa – #MarkBouchard – #RayNadine – # –

By: Jordan Alsaqa (Author), Mark Bouchard (Editor), Ray Nadine (Cover Art-Artist-Colorist-Letterer)

Best friends Victor, Reeves, and Miri thought that summoning their own demonic familiar would be a great way to end their summer vacation, but they never could’ve foreseen the devious little imp the depths would spit up. Still, as lazy and annoying as Alistair the Malicious can be, he’s just the start to a junior year filled with mystical janitors, haunted malls, and demonic possessions. Add on to that all the angst, unrequited romance, and awkward self-discovery that comes with being a teenager, and there’s more haunted hijinks and demonic detours than anyone can handle in Raise Hell!


Raise Hell (Comixology Originals) Vol. 1
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