#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheSavageSwordOfConan – @ComicsTitan – #MichaelFleisher – #RoyThomas – #BruceJones – #JohnBuscema – #ErnieColon –
By: Michael Fleisher (Author), Roy Thomas (Author), Bruce Jones (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator), Ernie Colon (Illustrator)
Conan at his finest! Savage, brutal and always… EPIC!
Freed from the strict Comic Code Authority stamp of approval, the Savage Sword of Conan magazine was always more hard-hitting and savage than its sister title Conan the Barbarian, and featured more action, violence and raunch and Omnibus Volume 5 of the original comic series is no exception.
This volume sees Michael Fleisher and Bruce Jones joining stalwart regular Roy Thomas on the writing duties, and artist Ernie Chan joining legends Ernie Colan and Gil Kane on art duties. Omnibus Volume 5 carries on the legacy in fine form!
New writers Michael Fleisher and Bruce Jones join Conan legend John Buscema to drive the barbarian’s black-and-white adventures in savage new directions! To topple a decadent royal, Conan must brave a moat of blood filled with gruesome monsters. The barbarian survives a ship capsizing in storm-tossed seas, only to awaken on the shores of an island filled with beautiful but deadly tiger-riding women warriors! Then, sadistic King Razak lures Conan into a death-filled maze. Writer Roy Thomas returns for a locked-door mystery set at sea, with Conan playing the sleuth. Plus, comic art master Alex Toth delivers a stunning Conan art portfolio. This volume also brings back fan-favorite characters like Jenna and Murilo to the supporting cast.
This volume sees classic stories such as “Plunder of Death Island”, “Dwellers in the Depths”, ‘The Sea of No Return” and “Lurker in the Labyrinth” giving full reign to the savagery of Conan. Featuring the usual assortment of superb pin up art by some true greats of the comic book form. This book also features a section of rarely seen bonus material!
Collecting: Savage Sword of Conan (1974) #61-72