Lone #2 Available December 31

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Lone – @thevaultcomics – #AngieHewitt –

By: Angie Hewitt

Big or small, everything in Alma’s town is vanishing. First, the lake. Then a whole wall of framed pictures. Even the time capsule Alma and her best friend Kel buried together. The worst part is, it seems like everyone’s memory of the stuff is disappearing, too. Now, strange images are appearing in all the photos Alma’s been taking. Kel is convinced that it’s aliens, but Alma’s much more afraid that it might have something to do with her.

Read more “Lone #2 Available December 31”

The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #3 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheExorcismat1600Penn – @IDWPublishing – #HannahRoseMay – #VanesaDelRey –

By: Hannah Rose May (Author), Vanesa Del Rey (Artist)

A hypersonic device has been found at an embassy within spitting distance of the White House, and President Doyle thinks it may be the cause of Mara’s violent episodes. Kevin, on the other hand, suspects something much more insidious: demonic possession. He gathers resources to prove to Father Reid of his sister’s mortal danger but learns an exorcism may be just as dangerous for the recipient as it is for the practitioner. Can the First Family safeguard the citizens of the country they swore to protect from foreign influence? Can they save their own daughter from the denizens of Hell?

Read more “The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #3 Available January 8”

Lone #1 Available December 31

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Lone – @thevaultcomics – #AngieHewitt –

By: Angie Hewitt

On the last day of summer before eighth grade, Alma makes a disturbing discovery: the lake her town is named for has disappeared. Not dried up. Vanished! What’s more concerning is that no one else remembers it ever existed. With the help of her best friend, Kel, Alma tries to get to the bottom of the mystery. But as more things start to disappear, Alma worries she might somehow be the cause.

Read more “Lone #1 Available December 31”

Atlantis Wasn’t Built For Tourists Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #AtlantisWasntBuiltForTourists – @ScoutComics – #EricPalicki – #WendellCavalcanti – # –

By: Eric Palicki (Author), Wendell Cavalcanti (Illustrator)

Atlantis Wasn’t Built for Tourists is a horror fantasy comic book series set in the Pacific Northwest written by Eric Palicki and illustrated by Wendell Cavalcanti and Mark Dale, published by Scout Comics.

Lucas Lewis drifts into Atlantis County, Oregon wanting nothing more than a hot meal and soft bed for the night. What he finds instead is a small town in thrall to eldritch creatures lurking in the surrounding wilderness, possibly guided by an even more sinister force. Lucas becomes determined to eradicate all of Atlantis’s demons, but these monsters are not what they seem.

Unfortunately for the monsters, neither is Lucas.

Read more “Atlantis Wasn’t Built For Tourists Available January 7”

Catrina’s Caravan : Catharsis Available January 1

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #CatrinasCaravan – @ChispaComics – #HectorRodriguez – #CynthiaPelayo – #VCastro – #DavidBowles – #ElianaFalcón – #GuillermoVillarreal – #Chema –

By: Hector Rodriguez (Author), Cynthia Pelayo (Author), V. Castro (Author), David Bowles (Author), Eliana Falcón (Illustrator), Guillermo Villarreal (Illustrator), Chema (Illustrator)

Catrina’s Caravan is a horror anthology series featuring stories by the best Latinx writers of horror as told by Catrina, a suspicious harbinger of darkness on the run from a violent priest. Leading a caravan of misfits and marginalized folks, Catrina goes from town to town, one step ahead of her rival, giving the local residents gruesome lessons they will never forget through the mechanism of immersive storytelling. The frame of each story reveals a little more about the past and twisted mission of this mysterious, gaunt and seemingly unaging figure.

In three harrowing tales by Latine authors, we peer into the dark corners of the modern world and witness a horrifying, winged retribution for those who abuse refugees at the border. We join an overwhelmed mother on a Chicago subway just in time to see her lucha-libre-obsessed child be tempted by a demon, and we watch as an ancient yet beautiful predator in southern Mexico sates her hunger with the flesh of crude tourists. While crafted in the tradition of great horror anthology comics, this spine-tingling new series taps into the particular darkness of Latino cultures, drawing forth a rich fount of horror with textures and nuance that will reward readers in the know and make fans of those who don’t.

Read more “Catrina’s Caravan : Catharsis Available January 1”

Elvira in Horrorland Available December 31

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ElvirainHorrorland – @DynamiteComics – #DavidAvallone – #SilviaCalifano – # –

By: David Avallone (Author), Silvia Califano (Artist)

Elvira is back, and she’s going PSYCHO!

The Mistress of the Dark has discovered that films create their own pocket dimensions, and now she’s lost in the Multiverse of Movies! Will she find her way home, or is it just a big Hitchcock-tease?

Join writer David Avallone (Elvira Meets Vincent Price, Bettie Page: Unbound) and artist Silvia Califano for a comic you shouldn’t show mother: she just goes a little mad sometimes.

Read more “Elvira in Horrorland Available December 31”

HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: November 22, 2024

#horror – #horrormovies – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #WeeklyReleases – 

Here’s a review of this week’s comic and movie releases and premieres!

Read more “HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: November 22, 2024”

Underheist Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Underheist – @boomstudios – #DavidLapham – #MariaLapham –

By: David Lapham (Author, Illustrator), Maria Lapham (Author)

Eisner-winning creators David & Maria Lapham bring supernatural twists to the world of crime!

David’s gambling addiction brings him to rock bottom–the lowest point he’s ever hit in life, and it’s made him desperate. But the forbidden fruit of a nefarious opportunity arises… a heist, and one that could finally be the answer to his financial woes.

The thing is, David’s old line of work made him familiar with the nearby NYC subway tunnels, and the perfect man for this particular job. But the path to hell is paved with less-than-legal intentions, and David truly has no idea what he’s signing up for, or the dark rabbit hole he’s about to fall down…

A hard boiled heist series with a supernatural horror twist from the hit Stray Bullets creative team of David & Maria Lapham, exploring how seeking out atonement can lead truly desperate people to the worst places, and make them do the unthinkable.

Collects Underheist #1-5.

Read more “Underheist Available December 24”

Silent Night, Deadly Night : 40th Anniversary Collection Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #SilentNightDeadlyNight – @AmericanMytho – #JamesKuhoric – #SACheck – #PuisCalzada – # –

By: James Kuhoric (Author), S A Check (Author), Puis Calzada (Artist)

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Silent Night, Deadly Night with this incredible collected edition! Ho Ho Horror! The slasher film that turned Christmas into a killer holiday is back! Billy saw his parents viciously murdered at the hands of a madman in a Santa suit. Orphaned and alone, Billy suffered even more at the hands of an overly strict nun, turning him into a killing machine hell-bent on punishing the naughty. Now…40 years later, a new nightmare begins. A holiday killer is on the loose, but there’s more here than just a psycho in a red suit. Sinister forces have awakened to raise an unstoppable evil once more, doling out punishment with the edge of his axe. Don’t get caught on this naughty list. This is a brand new officially licensed story taking place after the events of the 1984 movie and delivering a brand-new horrifying holiday classic! Includes Silent Night, Deadly Night #1-4 plus the Silent Night, Deadly Night special issue – Killer Santa and a host of awesome extras!

Read more “Silent Night, Deadly Night : 40th Anniversary Collection Available December 24”

The One Hand and The Six Fingers Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheOneHandandTheSixFingers – @ImageComics – #RamV – #DanWatters – #LaurenceCampbell – #SumitKumar – # –

By: Ram V (Author), Dan Watters (Author), Laurence Campbell (Illustrator), Sumit Kumar (Illustrator)

For fans of Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Black Mirror, The One Hand and The Six Fingers is a thrilling graphic novel that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Two of the hottest writers in comics — Ram V and Dan Watters — have teamed up with artists Laurence Campbell and Sumit Kumar to tell the most unique crime thriller, now collected in the manner it was intended to be read in — with the miniseries issues as alternating chapters!

The One Hand tells the story of Neo Novena detective, Ari Nasser — a grizzled homicide detective who’s about to retire with an enviable record, until a brutal murder occurs bearing all the hallmarks of the “One Hand Killer”… which should be impossible since Ari already put him away not once but twice in years past.

In The Six Fingers, Neo Novena archaeology student, Johannes Vale has always been so very in control of his life. But when he commits a brutal murder using the M.O. of an historic and notorious serial killer, everything begins to spiral out of control… and Johannes doesn’t remember doing it.

What follows is a deadly cat-and-mouse game told through two intertwined narratives. Both men will stop at nothing to unravel the secrets and ciphers of this case- but each revelation only leads further into the dark heart of this future-metropolis.

Read more “The One Hand and The Six Fingers Available December 24”

Dance in the Vampire Bund : Age of Scarlet Order Vol. 13 Available December 31

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #DanceintheVampireBund – @gomanga – #NozomuTamaki –

By: Nozomu Tamaki

The First Vampire is back! And not only is this vampire god trying to recruit more followers to his cause in the Bund, he’s also hanging out with singer RULi and her friends, who are completely unaware of the very real danger he poses. As the frantic search for the First Vampire and RULi begins, another crisis is unfolding—word arrives that poison has started to infiltrate the rapidly flooding Cradle, putting all 300,000 vampires trapped inside in mortal danger.

Read more “Dance in the Vampire Bund : Age of Scarlet Order Vol. 13 Available December 31”

Killadelphia Vol. 6 Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Killadelphia – @ImageComics – #RodneyBarnes –

By: Rodney Barnes

The forces of Heaven and Hell clash on the battleground that is Philly and weaves into the tapestry of a larger universe when Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen’s greatest creations cross over into the pages of KILLADELPHIA!

Enter Spawn and Savage Dragon!

Now SeeSaw must face his greatest threat and all the power he’s gained and magic he’s learned will be put to the test as he faces off against comics’ greatest anti-hero—Spawn! Meanwhile, our heroes ongoing fight for survival against Toussaint Louverture and his Haitian guardians becomes even more desperate as Savage Dragon becomes involved in this battle for the soul of Philadelphia!

The sold-out, Eisner Award nominated series continues! From Rodney Barnes, the writer behind such hit shows as Marvel’s Runaways and HBO’s Winning Time, and Jason Shawn Alexander, the artist who redefined SPAWN.

Collects KILLADELPHIA #31-35 and also features the inclusion of a backup story featuring Hell’s baddest badass: Johnny Gatlin.

Read more “Killadelphia Vol. 6 Available December 24”

Heartpiercer Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Heartpiercer – @DarkHorseComics – @rdouek – #RichDouek – #GavinSmith – #NicholasBurgdorf – #JustinBirch –

By: Rich Douek (Author), Gavin Smith (Illustrator), Nicholas Burgdorf (Illustrator), Justin Birch (Illustrator)

Atala thought she was saving the world—but in hunting down the great beasts, she wound up dooming it.

Betrayed by her lord, Kurrn, and left for dead, she awakes in a dark world overrun by nightmares, with a single mission on her mind: revenge.

But before she can avenge herself on Kurrn, she must deal with the devastation left in his wake – beginning with a tribe of vicious werewolves menacing one of the last human settlements. As she confronts the bestial Howler and comes to terms with her own past, Atala must unlock a deep and ancient power inside herself if she is to survive, much less triumph.

A thrilling new dark fantasy graphic novel from the minds of Rich Douek and Gavin Smith, with Nicholas Burgdorf, Roshan Kurichiyanil and Justin Birch.

Collects Heartpiercer #1–#4.

Read more “Heartpiercer Available December 24”

Eerie Archives Vol. 9 Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Eerie – @DarkHorseComics – #EstebanMaroto – #DougMoench – #TomSutton – #TimothyTruman –

By: Esteban Maroto (Author, Illustrator), Doug Moench (Author), Tom Sutton (Illustrator), Timothy Truman (Foreword)

Enter the laboratory of Cousin Eerie as he prepares to throw the switch on another shocking collection of terror tales in Eerie Archives Volume 9, now in a value-priced paperback edition.

Prepare yourself for an extended series of forbidden experiments by comics masterminds Esteban Maroto, Doug Moench, Tom Sutton, Steve Skeates, Luis Dominguez, and more. By the way, who’s that strapped to the slab? Oh, it’s you! Don’t worry, the pain won’t last forever—but it’ll feel like it!

Collects Eerie magazine issues #42–#46.

Read more “Eerie Archives Vol. 9 Available December 24”

Conan The Barbarian : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol.2 Available December 24

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ConanTheBarbarian – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas –

By: Roy Thomas

The adventure continues, in this collection of classic Conan stories, perfect for fans and collectors alike!

The legend of Conan continues! Tired of the thieving life, Conan signs on as a mercenary for the warring kingdom of Turan. The enemy will tell of Conan’s legendary skill in battle — if any of them live to tell the tale — but palace intrigue may prove more dangerous to the barbarian. After all, it’s never wise to bed a wizard’s woman. Then, Conan joins with Red Sonja for a multipart adventure. Last, but far from least, we present Roy Thomas and Gil Kane’s complete adaptation of “The Hour of the Dragon,” the iconic story of how Conan became king and conqueror and met the woman who would become his wife.

Read more “Conan The Barbarian : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol.2 Available December 24”

The Savage Sword Of Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 9 Available December 17

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheSavageSwordOfConan – @ComicsTitan – #LarryYakata – #DonKraar – #RoyThomas – #GaryKwapisz – #ErnieChan – # –

By: Larry Yakata (Author), Don Kraar (Author), Roy Thomas (Author), Gary Kwapisz (Illustrator), Ernie Chan (Illustrator)

Unfettered by the Comics Code, experience Conan at his most visceral in the original epic comic magazine The Savage Sword of Conan! The dark and gritty tales within are perfect for Conan fans looking for that extra bit of bloody violence!

Crom does not deny the faithful! The Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus collections are continuing and collecting the greatest sword-and-sorcery comic magazine of all time! In this massive hardcover volume, we present not only sixteen issues of Savage Sword crafted by the greatest Conan comics creators of the era, but also the never before reprinted full-color graphic novel, Conan: The Witch Queen of Acheron. Highlights include: The art of Gary Kwapisz, a sword-and-sorcery master whose richly detailed style ranks him among the greatest Conan illustrators; stories by writer Larry Yakata, an Olympic martial artist who brought a new voice and action-oriented authenticity to the series; contributions from celebrated Savage Sword art icons including Ernie Chan, Rudy Nebres and Pablo Marcos; and a rare Robert E. Howard tribute story by Roy Thomas and Sandy Plunkett.

Read more “The Savage Sword Of Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 9 Available December 17”

Pine & Merrimac Available December 17

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PineMerrimac – @boomstudios – #KyleStarks – #FranGalán –

By: Kyle Starks (Author), Fran Galán (Illustrator)

A dark and fresh detective story set in a small town with secrets just below the surface!

On the corner of Pine and Merrimac sits an unremarkable town… with one horrifying secret. After a lifetime of losing pieces of herself in every horrific case, former homicide detective Linnea Kent is starting fresh. Alongside her husband, Parker, a former MMA fighter and the brawn to her brains, she’s opened up a quiet little detective agency, far from the city noise. The simple cases this small town with seemingly humble people has to offer are exactly what she was looking for, but there’s more to the quaint place than Linnea could have possibly imagined, and something truly sinister pulling the strings… When they receive a promising lead for a case, they go on an ill-advised, undercover operation to a curious nearby island, and kickstart a mystery that will not only reveal spellbinding secrets… but put them both in deadly peril. Eisner-nominated scribe Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place) is joined by fan-favorite artist Fran Galán (The Amazing Spider-Man) for an unexpected detective tale perfect for readers of Reckless and The Department of Truth! Collects Pine & Merrimac #1-5.

Read more “Pine & Merrimac Available December 17”

Seance in the Asylum #3 Available December 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #SeanceintheAsylum – @DarkHorseComics – #ClayMcLeodChapman – #AndreaMutti – #LeonardoMarcelloGrassi – #MauroGulma – #FrankCvetkovic –

By: Clay McLeod Chapman (Author), Andrea Mutti (Cover Art), Leonardo Marcello Grassi (Artist), Mauro Gulma (Colorist), Frank Cvetkovic (Letterer)

More and more patients are acting strangely at The Ashcroft Hospital and none of the doctors know why. What’s happening to the infirmed and feeble-minded men and women who wander its halls? They are changing, seemingly possessed… Only Alicia knows the truth—these patients are possessed, their bodies now vessels for spirits brought over from the other side—but no one will believe her. Not Dr. Templeton. Not even close confidant Dr. Reginald Waters. What Alicia fears the most, what no one is willing to admit, is that the number of possessed patients is only growing… until it’s too late. Clay McLeod Chapman and Leonardo Marcello Grassi team up for a horrific and creepy comics series! Four issue series.

Read more “Seance in the Asylum #3 Available December 18”

Almost Dead #3 Available December 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #AlmostDead – @AblazePub – #Galaxy – #TylerKirkham – #RyanBenjamin –

By: Galaxy (Author), Tyler Kirkham (Cover Art), Ryan Benjamin (Artist)

Curtis’ message to the world has reached Sara and Zach during their investigative scouting trip through their hometown. After that trip ends in tragedy, with the pair experiencing their own Goner encounter for the first time, Sara knows what she must do. Her little brother is stuck in New York City, and she’s determined to get him out. With resources scarce, though, it won’t be a matter of a simple drive up the coast…

Meanwhile, a young reporter has a run-in with the undead hordes in the city and must make some difficult decisions to not only escape but to broadcast his findings to the floundering masses.

Read more “Almost Dead #3 Available December 18”

Heretic Deluxe Hardcover Available December 17

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Heretic – @ImageComics – #RobbieMorrison – #CharlieAdlard – # –

By: Robbie Morrison (Author), Charlie Adlard (Illustrator)

Sherlock Holmes meets The Name of the Rose in this dark and thrilling graphic novel reimagining of one of the most fascinating Renaissance figures.

Belgium, 1529: The city of Antwerp is ravaged by a macabre series of killings. Forced to investigate by the all-powerful Inquisition, knight, doctor, lawyer and reputed black magician Cornelius Agrippa and his young pupil Johan Weyer are plunged into a maelstrom of murder, madness and magic.

Featuring stunning black and white illustrations, Heretic is a gripping original graphic novel by artist extraordinaire and former Comics Laureate Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead), and award-winning crime novelist Robbie Morrison (Edge of the Grave).

Read more “Heretic Deluxe Hardcover Available December 17”

Conan The Barbarian : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 3 Available December 17

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ConanTheBarbarian – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas –

By: Roy Thomas

The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history. This is the legend of Conan!

Battle runs through Conan’s life like the blood in his veins. A stint with the mercenary Crimson Company isn’t enough to quench his fury – but perhaps consorting with Belit, pirate queen of the Black Coast, can] Together, Conan and Belit will reave across Hyboria’s high seas and into the dark depths of its jungles. There, Conan will earn his honoured name – Amra – in one of the Cimmerian’s greatest epics] Master storytellers Roy Thomas and John Buscema follow with a saga that brings Conan, Kull and even Red Sonja together] All the while, the struggle to reclaim Belit’s title and lands from the Stygians carries on.

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Cult of the Lamb Vol. 1: The First Verse Available December 17

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #CultoftheLamb – @OniPress – #AlexPaknadel –

By: Alex Paknadel

In partnership with Devolver Digital and Massive Monster, Oni Press proudly presents Cult of the Lamb: The First Verse—the hugely anticipated first official graphic novel exploration into the sprawling cosmology of the millions-selling, multiple BAFTA Award–nominated video game phenomenon that has Polygon begging players to “smash that worship button”!

In a land pervaded by cruelty and evil, the most innocent among us—young Lamb—was selected to become a noble sacrifice. . . . Their death would be the magical rite that would forever seal the darkest of the Old Gods out of our realm and usher in a new age of bounty.

So Lamb died . . . but then they made a deal of their own.

At the crossroads of eternity, Lamb was met by the imprisoned deity known as the One Who Waits, who revealed the falsehoods and distortions of the false prophets who rule the world and the Old Faith. And so, Lamb was given a choice: Enter oblivion as intended . . .or return to the land of living with unholy powers and deliver a new cult unto the Earth.

The Four Bishops of the Old Faith must fall. The disbelievers must be destroyed. And, as Lamb assembles their flock, a new master shall reign over all of creation. Praise be to the Cult of the Lamb!

From acclaimed writer Alex Paknadel (All Against All, Red Goblin) and Eisner Award–nominated artist Troy Little (Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas) comes a deviously delightful, heretic-smashing excursion into the borderlands of the worldwide video game hit that IGN calls “adorably demonic.”

Collects Cult of the Lamb (2024) #1–4.

Read more “Cult of the Lamb Vol. 1: The First Verse Available December 17”

Returnal : Fallen Asteria Available December 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Returnal – @DarkHorseComics – #Various –

By: Various

After the spaceship Helios crashes onto a hostile alien world, Selene Vassos, a lone ASTRA scout, must fight for her life against the horrific hostiles that live beyond every shadow.

Following a trail of distorted memories, Selene just needs to hold on long enough to track down the White Shadow signal. Mystery shrouds the world of Atropos, and she begins to wonder: will she find answers at the end of her journey, or is this nightmare inescapable?

Created by the Housemarque brand team with Gregory Louden, Khalil Osaimi, and Mikael Haveri from the narrative team of the game Returnal and featuring the stunning art of Igor Lomov and Aaron Järvinen, this adaptation brings their BAFTA Award-winning sci-fi action thriller to the world of graphic novels.

Read more “Returnal : Fallen Asteria Available December 10”

Prometheus In Chains Available December 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PrometheusInChains – @red5comics – #RichardDavis –

By: Richard Davis

A retelling of The Bride of Frankenstein in the Atomic Age!

The third nightmare from Rich Davis (Cult of Dracula). Professors Victor & Elizabeth Frankenstein have joined the Manhattan Project after fleeing Nazi Germany. When Elizabeth passes away from cancer caused by radiation exposure Victor spirals into the deepest depths of depression. Haunted by guilt, grief and regret, a new kind of monster comes to life.

Read more “Prometheus In Chains Available December 10”

The Lycan #1 Available December 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheLycan – @RenegadeArtsEnt – #ThomasJane – #DavidJamesKelly – #MikeCarey –

By: Thomas Jane & David James Kelly & Mike Carey

Year of Our Lord 1777: A hardened band of international big game hunters returning from Africa are shipwrecked off a small British island.

In exchange for new supplies and the repairing of their good ship The Calydonian, Lord Ludgate engages the men for a task they are particularly well suited for: find the Berserking Beasts that have been eating his subjects, including a group of young Benedictine Nuns, and destroy them.

Read more “The Lycan #1 Available December 10”

Golgotha Motor Mountain Available December 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GolgothaMotorMountain – @IDWPublishing – #MatthewErman – #LonnieNadler –

By: Matthew Erman & Lonnie Nadler

Meet the Damnage brothers. Meth cookers by trade and mutant-killing road warriors by necessity in this graphic novel thriller!

When a derelict chunk of a passing interstellar rock rains down on Elwood and Vernon Damnage’s meth lab in Golgotha Knob, Kentucky, their lives are turned into a body horror nightmare.

Still needing to make their deliveries to the buyers, mutations or not, they set off down Golgotha Knob only to be beset on all sides by crazed addicts, cannibal police, and mutated Neo-Nazis. It doesn’t matter what waits at the bottom of Golgotha Knob for the Damnage brothers because they must ride through a cosmic hell that they’re unlikely to survive… But if these brothers do survive, they’ll finally have made enough money to start over in the beautiful utopia that is Cincinnati.

Join superstar artist Robbi Rodriguez (Spider-Gwen) and the dynamic writing duo of Matthew Erman (Witchblood) & Lonnie Nadler (Age of X-Man) on a high-octane motor massacre!

Read more “Golgotha Motor Mountain Available December 10”

Night Club 2 #4 Available December 4

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #NightClub2 – @DarkHorseComics – #MarkMillar – #JuananRamírez – #FabianaMascolo – #ClemRobins –

By: Mark Millar (Author), Juanan Ramírez (Cover Art, Artist), Fabiana Mascolo (Colorist), Clem Robins (Letterer)

The school Jocks were bad enough when they were regular human beings. Now they’re vampires they’re terrorizing the town and not even the cops can stop them. Can Danny and Amy put the genie back in the bottle now vampirism is spreading through the school? • The incredible artwork of Juanan Ramírez! • Six issue series!

Read more “Night Club 2 #4 Available December 4”

Pine & Merrimac Available December 11

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PineMerrimac – @boomstudios – #KyleStarks – #FranGalán –

By: Kyle Starks (Author), Fran Galán (Artist)

On the corner of Pine and Merrimac sits an unremarkable town… with one horrifying secret. After a lifetime of losing pieces of herself in every horrific case, former homicide detective Linnea Kent is starting fresh. Alongside her husband, Parker, a former MMA fighter and the brawn to her brains, she’s opened up a quiet little detective agency, far from the city noise. The simple cases this small town with seemingly humble people has to offer are exactly what she was looking for, but there’s more to the quaint place than Linnea could have possibly imagined, and something truly sinister pulling the strings… When they receive a promising lead for a case, they go on an ill-advised, undercover operation to a curious nearby island, and kickstart a mystery that will not only reveal spellbinding secrets… but put them both in deadly peril. Eisner-nominated scribe Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place) is joined by fan-favorite artist Fran Galán (The Amazing Spider-Man) for an unexpected detective tale perfect for readers of Reckless and The Department of Truth! Collects Pine & Merrimac #1-5.

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The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #2 Available December 4

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheExorcismat1600Penn – @IDWPublishing – #HannahRoseMay – #VanesaDelRey – # –

By: Hannah Rose May (Author), Vanesa Del Rey (Artist)

After Mara was involved in what students called a satanic and violent incident at school, the First Family worries that she’s succumbing to the stress of being the daughter of the first female president. But unbeknownst to them, a dark force looms from the doomscrolling shadows… Meanwhile, the Havana Syndrome situation is causing tension in the Oval Office as President Kelly’s trusted circle advises military action that could tip the global scale to World War III, despite her better instincts. Can President Kelly save both her family and the world from the political spotlight, or is something more sinister pulling all the strings? From the pen of rising star comics writer Hannah Rose May (Rogue’s Gallery) and acclaimed artist Vanesa Del Rey (Scarlet Witch) comes this year’s most psychologically chilling tale!

Read more “The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #2 Available December 4”