The Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 10 Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheSavageSwordofConan – @ComicsTitan – #ChuckDixon –

By: Chuck Dixon

Collecting 13 issues of the classic Conan magazine, Savage Sword of Conan and featuring 18 Conan stories from 1987 written by the likes of Chuck Dixon, Larry Yakata and Don Kraar, and drawn by Gary Kwapisz, Andy ubert and Val Mayerik. The omnibus also includes the graphic novel, Conan The Reaver written by Don Kraar and drawn by the legendary John Severin.

Stories include:

Cursers of the Light (Conan accepts what at first appears to be a simple bodyguard assignment to protect an Aquilonian lady. But when they stop at a crumbling castle for the night, Conan and the lady become trapped in bloody intrigue.)

Blind Vengeance (Fleeing the scene of calamitous defeat on the battlefield, Conan and his fellows discover a village of farmers who’ve been blinded by a cruel warlord. Conan and his fellow warriors train the villagers for the warlord’s return.)

The Waiting Doom (Red Sonja is back! Onan and Sonja are searching for an alien idol – but the idol brings death to whomever possesses it! And before they can even reach the idol, they’re going to have to get past a horde of killers and the inhuman monster that guards the idol!

Also included are:

Winter of the Wolf, Three Lives for N’Garthl, Fool’s Night, Seventh Isle of Doom, The Tolltaker, The Lost Legion, The Brawl, Lair of the Lizard God, The Mine, Garden of Blood, The Caravan, Girl of the Haunted Wood, Nightmare, The Crimson Citadel, Feast of the Stag, Gift of the Pirate King.

Read more “The Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 10 Available February 25”

Archibald Vol. 1: Monster Slayer Available February 26

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Archibald – @AblazePub – #KimHyungmin –

By: Kim Hyung-min

Meet Archibald, the supernatural detective!

Archibald, a shy and observant boy, has a dream: to become a great detective. And not just any sort of detective! He wants to explore secret worlds, those where magic reigns and monsters lurk in the shadows. All he needs is his first big case! When it arrives in the form of Monk, a talkative and cowardly, one-eyed dog, Archibald is introduced to the Monster Investigation Bureau.

Together, Archibald and Monk set out on the trail of a giant snake, a mysterious black mage, and an army of zombies…and along the way, encounter a war declared between the werewolves and the bear-men, and a horde of goblins who harass trolls, among other curious creatures. Thrills, chills, humor, blunders, and more are in store for the adventures of this unique tandem of Sherlock Holmes apprentices!

Read more “Archibald Vol. 1: Monster Slayer Available February 26”

Ruthless Render Vol. 2 Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #RuthlessRender – @DarkHorseComics – #ddmarkk –

By: dd markk

Enter a world where words wield unimaginable power, and nightmares become real.

Castiel, a high schooler resurrected with Lucifer’s cursed eyes, is enlisted by the Revoker organization to help slay the Devil. Battling nightmarish creatures to protect his friends and his dream of a normal life, Castiel faces a perilous journey where his own humanity is at stake. Brace yourself for a gripping roller coaster of action, horror, and romance as Castiel fights to protect his loved ones while battling his own literal inner demons amidst the chaos.

The incredibly popular Webtoon series by dd markk in print for the first time! Explore a tale of language’s might, self-discovery, and the chaos of teenage romance in this gripping narrative.

Read more “Ruthless Render Vol. 2 Available February 25”

HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: December 27, 2024

#horror – #horrormovies – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #WeeklyReleases – 

Here’s a review of this week’s comic and movie releases and premieres!

Read more “HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: December 27, 2024”

Red Sonja : Empire of the Damned Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #RedSonja – @DynamiteComics – #SteveNiles – #AlessandroAmoruso –

By: Steve Niles (Author), Alessandro Amoruso (Artist)

After landing in jail following a night of drunken revelry, Red Sonja hears an outlandish story from a fellow inmate. Deep in the mountains lies a dead city in a valley with no name. Abandoned and forgotten, its fields and streets are littered with the bones of two armies, all destroyed by a curse from a warlock who has long since vanished, along with his vast treasure ― untold riches just waiting to be taken.

At least that is the legend. But Sonja’s cellmate Morgo has more than a diverting tale ― he’s also got a map that says this legend could well be reality. All they need to do is break out of lockup and hit the road ― which may be easier said than done!

Read more “Red Sonja : Empire of the Damned Available February 25”

John Constantine, Hellblazer : Dead in America Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #JohnConstantineHellblazer – @DCOfficial – #SiSpurrier – #AaronCampbell –

By: Si Spurrier (Author), Aaron Campbell (Illustrator)

The fan-favorite creative team of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell (John Constantine, Hellblazer) have reunited for a brand-new series featuring the DC Universe’s most beloved occult con man/detective, John Constantine!

This is certainly not the first time John Constantine has had a brush with death — but if he doesn’t play his cards right, it may be his last!

Far from home and with precious few allies to call upon, Constantine, his son Noah, and his “bodyguard” Nat are on the run in America and wanted for murder. To make matters worse, John’s heart has stopped beating and his body is quite literally decaying more and more with each passing day.

Thankfully, he may have a chance at winning a favor from the King of Dreams himself, Morpheus of the Endless, to save himself– that is, if he can figure out who is using Dream’s sand to weave its terrible will into America’s collective unconscious! Afterall, when has playing quid pro quo with all-powerful, extra-dimensional entities ever blown up in Constantine’s face?

Read more “John Constantine, Hellblazer : Dead in America Available February 25”

Essentials Vol. 1 Bill Sienkiewicz Premiere Edition Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Essentials – #LukeArnold – #ChrisDocWyatt – # –

By: Luke Arnold (Author), Chris “Doc” Wyatt (Author)

In a post-apocalyptic world torn apart by the madness of a warping reality, shotgun-wielding scientist Harris Pax and his two extra-dimensional, non-corporeal alien sidekicks (manifesting as a walking corpse and a toy robot) are humanity’s only hope for survival.

In ESSENTIALS, mathematician Harris Pax predicted the end of the world but failed to prevent it. Now he’s living alone in a bunker and his niece’s favorite toys have started talking to him. The good news? He’s not the world’s sole survivor. The bad news? The other survivors are trapped in alternate realities — imprisoned in imagined worlds full of zombies, robots, mythical creatures, and chaos. And now Harris Pax and an unlikely ally must travel the country on a quest to restore reality, save humanity, and defeat his new interdimensional nemesis: Snuggles. Written by Luke Arnold (star of Black Sails; writer, The Fetch Phillips novels) and Chris “Doc” Wyatt (producer, Napoleon Dynamite; writer, Ninjago). This debut graphic novel from THE LAB ships in a gold-foil stamped cloth slipcase!

Read more “Essentials Vol. 1 Bill Sienkiewicz Premiere Edition Available February 25”

Crocodile Black Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #CrocodileBlack – @boomstudios – #PhillipKennedyJohnson – #SOM –

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Author), SOM (Brigands) (Illustrator)

A chilling, contemporary new crime thriller for fans of Breaking Bad!

Walk a mile in a dead man’s shoes… and you’ll never come back… Danny is a seemingly normal young man, getting lost in escapism on the regular to withdraw from the mundane droll of working his delivery job in the midst of a pandemic, and the soul-crushing lack of control over his own life. One day he discovers something on the job that would be horrifying to most… but is tantalizing to a guy like Danny. The smell of death and the black glisten of a victim’s crocodile skin boots will leave him changed forever, leaving chaos in his wake. In this deadly thriller for fans of Kill Or Be Killed and A Righteous Thirst For Vengeance from Eisner-nominated writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk) and rising star artist SOM (Brigands) witness the birth of an iconic new noir killer for the modern era. Collects Crocodile Black #1-5.

Read more “Crocodile Black Available February 25”

Black Demon Tales Vol. 1: Emergence Available February 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #BlackDemonTales – @ChispaComics – #Various –

By: Various

Black Demon Tales is a kaiju horror anthology series based on Indigenous myths about a monster shark—El Demonio Negro—that is rumored to have attacked Mexican fishermen. Now a major motion picture!

In four harrowing tales by Mexican American authors, we stare directly into the jaws of the Black Demon, an ancient megalodon that prowls the Pacific, unleashing its wrath on any who violate those waters. Along the way, we discover the origins of the massive shark and its seemingly immortal harbinger, a former Spanish priest. We meet Bella González, the naval researcher bent on destroying el Demonio Negro, even at great cost to herself. And we witness righteous devastation of monstrous proportions as the aquatic kaiju fulfills its role as divine champion of the seas, wiping greedy polluters from its waves even in alternate versions of our world.

Expanding the universe of the crowd-pleasing film The Black Demon, this kaiju anthology offers up breathtaking thrills and iconic kills with nuances of environmental protection, cutting-edge science, obscure history, and Indigenous lore.

Collects the NYC Comic Con ashcan story along with issues 1-3.

Read more “Black Demon Tales Vol. 1: Emergence Available February 25”

King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 1 Available February 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #KingConan – #RoyThomas – #DougMoench – #AlanZelenetz – #JohnBuscema – #MarcSilvestri – # –

By: Roy Thomas (Author), Doug Moench (Author), Alan Zelenetz (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator), Marc Silvestri (Illustrator)

Collecting issues #1-19 of King Conan (1980) this 776-page epic omnibus heralds a new era for Conan and features the creative talents of such luminaries as Roy Thomas, Doug Moench, John Buscema and Marc Silvestri.

From the battlefield to the throne room, from barbarian to legendary monarch, the timeless saga of Conan reaches the time when he at last became KING!


Conan the barbarian, the thief, the mercenary, and now… Conan the king!

A new era begins with adventures set after Conan has deposed the tyrant Numedides to become ruler of Aquilonia. But Conan on the throne is still Conan. The savage action that made him a comic book legend fills page after page, while palace intrigue adds a new level of drama with Queen Zenobia and Prince Conn, the heir to the throne, taking prominent roles. Old nemeses like Thoth-Amon return, and mystical prophecy ties Conan to the first king of the realm. Each issue is a double-sized extravaganza with scripts by the godfather of Conan comics, Roy Thomas, along with Doug Moench and Alan Zelenetz, and artwork by John Buscema and rising star Marc Silvestri.

Read more “King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 1 Available February 18”

Alice Cooper : Crossroads Available February 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – @DynamiteComics – #AliceCooper – #RodneyBarnes –

By: Rodney Barnes

Legendary rock acts are finding themselves attacked by demonic forces. The police investigate, but there’s little to nothing they can do to stop the problem.

At the same time, Alice Cooper has a new album out and is in the midst of a promotional tour. It’s great to see all his fans again, but there’s a disturbing trend happening in every city ― more and more of his audience appear to be undead! Complicating matters, when he goes to bed at night he ventures into the Nightmare Place. When he awakens, he’s in another city standing before a throng of fans, where he meets the Archangel Gabriel.

Gabriel tells him there’s a great music club called Burning Meat where the souls of legendary musicians hang out, watching the headliner ― Lucifer ― play his own personal style of rock music to the raucous applause of the demons in attendance. Now, Lucifer wants to take the show to Earth and the only thing stopping him is… Alice freakin’ Cooper!

Read more “Alice Cooper : Crossroads Available February 18”

Gunslinger Spawn #40 Available February 5

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GunslingerSpawn – @ImageComics – @Todd_McFarlane – #ToddMcFarlane – #MarcoFailla – #CarloBarberi –

By: Todd McFarlane (Author), Marco Failla (Cover Art), Carlo Barberi (Artist)

When Gunslinger looks into a mirror. He no longer sees a face that is his own. Every day he spends in the present makes him realize that he may never have the opportunity to return home and set things right.

Read more “Gunslinger Spawn #40 Available February 5”

The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #3 Available February 5

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheExorcismat1600Penn – @IDWPublishing – #HannahRoseMay – #VanesaDelRey –

By: Hannah Rose May (Author), Vanesa Del Rey (Artist)

A hypersonic device has been found at an embassy within spitting distance of the White House, and President Doyle thinks it may be the cause of Mara’s violent episodes. Kevin, on the other hand, suspects something much more insidious: demonic possession. He gathers resources to prove to Father Reid of his sister’s mortal danger but learns an exorcism may be just as dangerous for the recipient as it is for the practitioner. Can the First Family safeguard the citizens of the country they swore to protect from foreign influence? Can they save their own daughter from the denizens of Hell?

Read more “The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #3 Available February 5”

Crime Suspenstories Vol. 3 (The EC Archives) Available January 28

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #CrimeSuspenstories – #AlFeldstein – #JohnnyCraig – #BillGaines – # –

By: Al Feldstein (Author), Johnny Craig (Illustrator), Bill Gaines (Illustrator)

Jolting tales of criminals, capers, and tension, now in an affordable, oversized paperback!

Collecting issues #13–#18 of Crime SuspenStories from the twisted artistic talents of Al Feldstein, Johnny Craig, Bill Gaines, Jack Kamen, Sid Check, Al Williamson, Fred Peters, Graham Ingels, George Evans, Al Williamson, Joe Orlando, and more.

Featuring a foreword by David del Valle!

Read more “Crime Suspenstories Vol. 3 (The EC Archives) Available January 28”

Hollow Girl #21: I Am Everyone Available January 27

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #HollowGirl – @Markosia – #LukeCooper –

By: Luke Cooper

It’s Hollow Girl versus Hollow Girl as frustrations come to a head at last, leading to a bullet-laden battle between the two heroines. You’ve never seen a break-up as brutal as this!

And if they can survive each other, then they’ll have to face The Creep – the sadistic serial strangler that Hannah failed to put down. It seems that the loathsome Father Skelton – Hollow Girl’s abusive creator – has a new killer in his employ, and he has his sights set on Hollow Girl. The Creep would dearly like to get his hands on Hannah first, though, and pay her back for disturbing his good work.

And, in doing so, fulfil a deadly prophecy.

In Hollow Girl: I Am Everyone – the last issue of this series – Luke Cooperdelivers a trademark gut-punch as Hollow Girl is faced with the finality of death like never before.

Read more “Hollow Girl #21: I Am Everyone Available January 27”

House of Slaughter #29 Available January 22

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #HouseofSlaughter – #JamesTynionIV – #WertherDell’Edera – # –

By: James Tynion IV (Author), Werther Dell’Edera (Artist)

Hermes is back, but this time he’s been transformed as something far worse… something far more sinister…

Now out for blood, it will take the unlikely trio of Edwin, Nolan, and Bait together to have a chance of stopping him.

But will their combined skills be enough to defeat Hermes and stop him from feeding off of all of their fearful memories?

Read more “House of Slaughter #29 Available January 22”

Epitaphs from the Abyss #7 Available January 22

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #EpitaphsfromtheAbyss – @OniPress – @cullenbunn – #CullenBunn – #ChrisCondon – #JordanThomas – #AndreaSorrentino – #ValeriaBurzo – #AndreaMutti – #LeeBermejo – #TylerCrook – #DustinWeaver –

By: Cullen Bunn (Author), Chris Condon (Author), Jordan Thomas (Author), Andrea Sorrentino (Illustrator), Valeria Burzo (Illustrator), Andrea Mutti (Illustrator), Lee Bermejo (Cover Art, Other Contributor), Tyler Crook (Artist), Dustin Weaver (Artist)


This month: Our beloved hosts—the Grave-Digger, the Tormentor, and the Grim Inquisitor—usher you forth into three velvet-lined tales of darkness and deceit . . . and then seal you inside! Relax and embrace the decomposition yet to come as storytellers and fellow victims Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun), Chris Condon (Night People), and Jordan Thomas (Skin Police, The Man From Maybe) gulp their last remaining breaths alongside grisly artists Andrea Sorrentino (Gideon Falls), Valeria Burza (Blackbirds), and Andrea Mutti (Arkham Horror)!


Read more “Epitaphs from the Abyss #7 Available January 22”

The Butcher’s Boy Available January 21

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheButchersBoy – @DarkHorseComics – #LandryQWalker – #JustinGreenwood – #BradSimpson – #PatBrosseau –

By: Landry Q. Walker (Author), Justin Greenwood (Illustrator), Brad Simpson (Illustrator), Pat Brosseau (Illustrator)

Deep within the backroads of the Pacific Northwest, an entire town fell victim to the brutal cleaver of the Butcher of La Perdita.

But that was more than a hundred years ago, and in that time the generational nightmare of murder and meat has been reduced to morbid clickbait folklore for bored travelers to share online.

And yet some say the Butcher still haunts the streets at night, seeking fresh meat for his larder. A true Lovecraftian horror? Or just the feverish dreams of a mentally unstable serial killer. Six friends on a road trip are about to find out…

Combining elements from tales such as Midsommar and The Evil Dead, this spine-tingling horror lurches from the minds of New York Times bestselling author Landry Q. Walker and artist Justin Greenwood of the critically acclaimed series The Last Siege.

Collects The Butcher’s Boy #1–#4.

Read more “The Butcher’s Boy Available January 21”

Terror and Fury : Rise of the Night #1 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TerrorandFury – @Zenescope – #JoeBrusha – #IgorVitorino – #JordiTarragona –

By: Joe Brusha (Author), Igor Vitorino (Cover Art), Jordi Tarragona (Artist)

Evil is spreading across the world. Vampires, zombies, and even more horrifying creatures are emerging from the shadows, intent on erasing mankind from existence. Amidst the darkness, two heroes rise from the past: Terror and Fury. Far from conventional heroes, they wield terrifying powers of their own, products of a past that has long been forgotten. Their methods are ruthless and their motives are unclear, but one thing is certain…they might be the world’s last hope against the nightmare overtaking it.

Read more “Terror and Fury : Rise of the Night #1 Available January 15”

The Scorched #37 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheScorched – @ImageComics – @Todd_McFarlane – #JohnLayman – #BjörnBarends – #StephenSegovia –

By: John Layman (Author), Björn Barends (Cover Art), Stephen Segovia (Artist)

The location of Medieval Spawn is finally revealed. Will the team be able to free him, or will a sinister cult be able to regain control of the mighty Hellspawn once again?

Read more “The Scorched #37 Available January 15”

The Hexiles #3 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheHexiles – @MadCaveStudios – @cullenbunn – #CullenBunn – #JoeBocardo –

By: Cullen Bunn (Author), Joe Bocardo (Illustrator)

Sometimes, it’s hard to learn the truth about your parents–especially when your father is a sorcerer working for the legions of Hell. The Hexiles, though, must delve into the dark and bloody past of Jamison Kreel if they hope to break the curse that he has placed upon them.

Read more “The Hexiles #3 Available January 15”

Gunslinger Spawn #39 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GunslingerSpawn – @ImageComics – @Todd_McFarlane – #ToddMcFarlane – #JaviFernandez – #CarloBarberi –

By: Todd McFarlane (Author), Javi Fernandez (Cover Art), Carlo Barberi (Artist)

When the Gunslinger was pulled to the future, he was dying. To save himself, he took the body of a hitman named Javier. Now he stands face to face with Javier’s father, and he is not happy.

Read more “Gunslinger Spawn #39 Available January 15”

Grimm Tales of Terror Vol. 5 #1: The Black Angel Statue Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GrimmTalesofTerror – @Zenescope – #JoeBrusha – #EricJ –

By: Joe Brusha (Author), Eric J (Cover Art)

The legend of the Black Angel statue of Oakland Cemetery looms large. Said to be cursed or haunted by a malevolent force, the angel is rumored to bring death or tragedy to anyone who dares venture into the cemetery at night to gaze upon her. Despite the warnings, a group of thrill-seeking teens decide to test the legend, dismissing it as mere superstition. However, they quickly learn the truth is far darker and more terrifying than they imagined, as one by one, they fall victim to the Black Angel’s deadly curse.

Read more “Grimm Tales of Terror Vol. 5 #1: The Black Angel Statue Available January 15”

Shadow in the Trees Available January 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ShadowintheTrees – #MaryChristineSperanza –

By: Mary Christine Speranza

After surviving a harrowing encounter with a Tikbalang in the Philippine forest, Sofia returns to confront the lingering curse that ties her to the haunted land. Joined by her mentor Kent and the haunted family she vowed to protect, Sofia must restore balance to a fractured forest, where ancient guardians clash with malevolent forces born of broken offerings. As shadows grow stronger and the line between ally and foe blurs, Sofia faces a battle for survival that will test her courage, her resolve, and the bonds of trust she’s built.Will she uncover the truth behind the forest’s wrath in time, or will she be consumed by the very darkness she seeks to banish?

Read more “Shadow in the Trees Available January 10”

Soul Taker #6 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #SoulTaker – @MadCaveStudios – #ThomasESniegoski – #JeannineAcheson – #ValeriaBurzo –

By: Thomas E. Sniegoski (Author), Jeannine Acheson (Author), Valeria Burzo (Illustrator)

On the run after the Venatori’s brutal attack on her home and closest friends, Amara has taken the monstrous Hound captive hoping to extract information about her mortal enemies, who are attempting to hunt her down. But, the bestial tracker refuses to spill his masters’ secrets so the last of the soul takers must turn to another enemy for help…but at what cost?

Read more “Soul Taker #6 Available January 8”

Blood of the Cursed Available January 3

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #BloodoftheCursed – #Speranza –

By: Speranza

In the heart of the Philippine jungle, Sofia, a Swedish au pair, becomes entangled in a deadly battle against a Manananggal-a creature of terrifying folklore. What begins as a journey to care for a young girl spirals into a harrowing fight for survival, as ancient curses and family secrets come to light. Joined by her courageous best friend Petra and the enigmatic Darna, Sofia must face her fears and unravel the mysteries of a dark pact that has haunted generations.As the village braces against the supernatural terror, sacrifices are made, alliances are tested, and Sofia discovers a strength within herself she never knew existed. But will it be enough to defeat the shadow that stalks them, or will the curse claim them all?

Read more “Blood of the Cursed Available January 3”