38 Especial (1992) [Degausser Video Blu-ray Promo Trailer]

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #38Especial – @VinegarSyndrome –

On the gritty streets of Mexico City, Commander Quiroga (Fernando Almada, Grave Robbers) and his partner Miranda (Julio Rasec, Mark of the Killer) more than have their hands full. Between firefights with drug traffickers and the chronic minibus stickups that the public is usually too afraid to report, there’s now a demented rapist/murderer, Raúl (Ángel Sancho), who uses an unusual jeweler’s tool to stab his random victims. A local radio show host (Nora Terrero, Don’t Panic) is eager to criticize the police’s ineffective actions against crime and coaxes Quiroga onto her show for a chance to defend the police. As the police and other criminals close in on Raúl, he begins to unravel and turn his focus onto the people who are hunting him down.

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