Grimm Fairy Tales #94 Available March 26

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GrimmFairyTales – @Zenescope – #DaveFranchini – #JorgeCortes – #BabisuKourtis –

By: Dave Franchini (Author), Jorge Cortes (Cover Art), Babisu Kourtis (Artist)

Blood-soaked and action-packed, this new adventure for Skye Mathers and her friends has just gotten a lot more horrifying! After finding one of their friends monstrously transformed into a creature of the night, they now know what they are dealing with, vampires! Luckily, for our heroes they are joined by someone who knows this problem, and how to handle it, all too well—Liesel Van Helsing! Be sure to stake your claim on this next can’t miss issue!

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Grimm Fairy Tales #93 Available February 26

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GrimmFairyTales – @Zenescope – #DaveFranchini – #JorgeCortes – #BabisuKourtis –

By: Dave Franchini (Author), Jorge Cortes (Cover Art), Babisu Kourtis (Artist)

When a horrific tragedy casts a shadow over the lives of those at Arcane Acre, Winter, Carmen and Skye set off to peel back the layers of the puzzling circumstances surrounding this mystery. But what they find is much worse than they could have imagined, and these heroes now realize they may have bitten off more than they could chew–especially when what they discover, bites back! Don’t miss this blood-chilling next chapter in the Grimm Universe!

Read more “Grimm Fairy Tales #93 Available February 26”

Cinderella Omnibus: Bloodstains & Furry Friends Edition! Available February 11

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Cinderella – @Zenescope – #DaveFranchini –

By: Dave Franchini (Author)

Dinosaurs! The Tooth Fairy! Mutant Fairies! Other kinds of weird fairies… deviant gnomes, zombies, dorks, Christmas, artificial intelligence and robots―this book has it all! And whether you love her, or hate her, or like, really love to hate her―Cinderella “Cindy” Monroe is out to steal your heart, or at least a few quarts of your blood.

Collected for the first time ever (and finally!), in this chaos-and-insanity-drenched volume of wacky logic, borderline-deliriously-sweet animal friendships, and hacks and slashes to all forms of life and un-life alike, Cindy knows what your darkest fantasies are (no, no those!) and she brings them to death right before your eyes in the largest book we could bind!

Read more “Cinderella Omnibus: Bloodstains & Furry Friends Edition! Available February 11”

Grimm Fairy Tales #92 Available January 22

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #GrimmFairyTales – @Zenescope – #DaveFranchini – #JorgeCortes – #JordiTarragona –

By: Dave Franchini (Author), Jorge Cortes (Cover Art), Jordi Tarragona (Artist)

Sometimes the largest of tales begin from the tiniest of places, and Skye Mathers, Guardian of the Nexus, always seems to find herself in the middle of it all. When mysterious magical incidents begin occurring on the West Coast of the United States, Skye is tasked with getting to the bottom of these events. But what she finds is anything but a small problem, and will be forced to learn, that if she’s not careful, and with a certain perspective, it’s actually not too difficult to make a mountain out of a molehill. Don’tt miss the introduction of the smallest corner of the Grimm Universe–Guest Starring Thumbelina!

Read more “Grimm Fairy Tales #92 Available January 22”