The Colors Of My Soul : The Becoming by V. A. Davis Available February 28

Author: V. A. Davis

This is the story of my becoming. My name is Rednaxela Sivvad but most everybody calls me Sivvad. When the doctor said, “We lost him,” tragedy overshadowed the delivery room. Unfortunately for me, I’m the ‘him’; my story begins when I was born dead in a small clinic. I had risen out of my body and was hovering over the delivery room when I noticed a small, white light that began pulling me toward it. Meanwhile, my mom, devastated, laid my cold, tiny body on the bed and began to pray in an ancient language. She could; her aura is dark purple, which means the power of the ancient ones. Suddenly, I was immersed in darkness, getting nearer to the white light, when I was surrounded by colorful orbs. One of them, a multi-colored orb, spoke to me and told me that my mother’s prayers had summoned him from the spirit world. He told me that his name is Bay, he is my 13th-generation grandfather, and that he was there to help me; he would act as my soul, completing the trinity that is a person. In an instant, I was back in my body, taking my first, precious breath.

When I was a child, I thought seeing the pretty colors around other people was normal. As I got older, however, I realized that it is not and that I have been given a gift. Now, I walk this earth being able to see auras and souls. With Bay’s guidance, I have been learning about my ability and developing the skills I need, trying to help anyone I can along the way. But, I found out that Bay has an agenda, one that could put my physical and spiritual well-being at risk. To complicate matters, Bay has to stay with me or I will die. Again.

The journey so far has been fun, exciting, frightening, depressing, rewarding—as many emotions as there are colors of auras. I hope that my sharing some of my experiences will encourage you to become more aware of the spiritual dimension and how emotional souls affect our actions and lives. If nothing else, I hope they will entertain. ‘Til next episode!

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