Only Visible North by Christine Akridge Available April 2

Author: Christine Akridge

In Northern Maine, there are lots of abandoned houses with and without vehicles in the yard. I wasn’t sure why I was so drawn to this blue-green house with its bright yellow pickup truck. I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t seen it until that summer in high school.

Interest turned into an obsession, which only deepened when no one could tell me about the house. No one knows the owner, who cares for it, or how long it has been empty. No one can even tell me when it was built.

The dreams started shortly after I saw the house. Dreams of parties in the house with lights like fireflies quickly turn into nightmares. Supernatural creatures invaded my thoughts, bent on devouring me invaded these dreams as well. Add one violent neighbor to bring unneeded chaos to my life and I began to wonder what was real.

