Hollow Girl : Face-Blind Available August 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #HollowGirl – #LukeCooper – @Markosia –

Author: Luke Cooper

Prosopagnosia – a neurological condition in which the afflicted can’t recognise faces. Mix in some paranoid schizophrenia and you get Ronald Ryan, a man who now only sees everyone with horribly gouged faces that resemble an old Hollow Girl mask. When Ryan goes on a violent rampage, Hannah – Hollow Girl’s copycat and sidekick – knows she’s going to have to put on the mask one last time to correct her deadliest mistake. Meanwhile, the original Hollow Girl – Katherine Harlow – is back, or at least her soulless body is. At last, the dead have their perfect vessel – their perfect Hollow Girl. And this one isn’t going to need a mask. Written and illustrated by Luke Cooper, Hollow Girl is a supernatural-vigilante series to rival The Crow.


Graphic Novel
