The Tormented #4 Available June 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheTormented – #ChuckAusten –

Author: Chuck Austen

Ryan and crew have solved the mystery of the ghost nurse, and are summoned to a haunted mental institution where many of the incarcerated children were tortured, and murdered. The energy is horrifying, physical, and very, very angry.

Can Ryan convince the ghost kids to help him put their uneasy spirits to rest, or will their own pain and suffering lead them to inflict far worse on the living invaders who have disturbed their rest?

Read more “The Tormented #4 Available June 18”

The Tormented (Comixology Originals) #2 Available April 16

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheTormented – #ChuckAusten –

Author: Chuck Austen

Ryan’s new friends, Opal and Sahir, convince him to take the job hosting the ghost hunting show, but only after he explains to them why he doesn’t want to do it, and that their lives might be in danger.

Opal and Sahir dismiss it, and set off with the new team hunting ghosts. But Ryan is right. Something is now out there looking for him, and now they’re all in danger.

Read more “The Tormented (Comixology Originals) #2 Available April 16”

The Tormented #1 (Comixology Originals) Available March 19

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheTormented – #ChuckAusten –

Author: Chuck Austen

A quiet, no-drama production assistant, Ryan has unexpectedly been promoted to Host an online children’s cooking show after the original host abruptly quits. Surprisingly, Ryan has a gift for being natural and charming in front of the camera, which prompts the producer—Brad—to research him. He is stunned to find Ryan is the son of the world famous ghost hunters, Brigid and Adam Austerhölle! Then without telling Ryan, he sells a ghost hunting show around him—but without telling Ryan.

When he finally does tell Ryan, he gets a reaction he never expected.

Read more “The Tormented #1 (Comixology Originals) Available March 19”