Pine and Merrimac #5 Available May 29

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PineandMerrimac – #KyleStarks – @boomstudios –

Author: Kyle Starks

After Parker and Linnea finally discover the inner workings of what was once thought to be a seemingly quiet town, Linnea faces a soul-shattering heartbreak.

Are these their final days on the corner of Pine & Merrimac, or will Linnea take advantage of an unexpectedly sinister opportunity?

Read more “Pine and Merrimac #5 Available May 29”

Pine and Merrimac #3 Available March 6

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PineandMerrimac – #KyleStarks – @boomstudios –

Author: Kyle Starks

Small town detectives Linnea and Parker have discovered something big and sinister, and they’re on the run… for their lives!

Unable to return home and without a safe corner to hide in, an unexpected figure offers a symbol of hope that may lead them somewhere…

Read more “Pine and Merrimac #3 Available March 6”