Hollow Girl #16: Haunted Available December 4

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #HollowGirl – #LukeCooper – @Markosia –

Author: Luke Cooper

We’ve got to talk about Hollow Girl.

With her soul restored, Hannah is understandably a mess. Betrayed by her friend and idol – someone with whom she may even have been in love – she now faces a future as the new Hollow Girl, a role she inherited but no longer wants. Unfortunately, the dead won’t take no for an answer, leaving her with only one desperate option. But Blunt – the man who watched over her while she was only a shell – is still determined to protect her, even if that means standing against an army of the dead. With jagged linework seemingly carved into the pages to match the protagonist’s mental state, Luke Cooper delivers another bloody gut-punch with Hollow Girl: Haunted.


Graphic Novel