B Lines Official Trailer (2024) | Horror | Suspense | Thriller | Breaking Glass Pictures

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #BLines – @BreakingGlassPx –

After receiving a disturbing call and realizing she is being stalked Liv flees to a safe house. Only to find that the house is not so safe!

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The Walking Dead Deluxe #105 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheWalkingDead – @ImageComics – @Skybound – #RobertKirkman – #DavidFinch – #DaveMcCaig – #CharlieAdlard –

By: Robert Kirkman (Author), David Finch (Cover Art), Dave McCaig (Cover Art-Artist), Charlie Adlard (Artist)

Negan asks Carl to sing him a song.

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Nights #12 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Nights – @ImageComics – #WyattKennedy – #LuigiFormisano –

By: Wyatt Kennedy (Author), Luigi Formisano (Illustrator-Cover Art-Artist)


No more jokes. No more teases. No more misdirections. Gray’s destiny is at last revealed. An old enemy reemerges to deliver unbelievable carnage, and no one is safe. This is the end of everything you’ve known and the start of something new. It’s an issue with such massive consequences, we needed more pages to tell it! Everything comes to a head in a status-quo shifting season finale. Goodbye, Santo Pedro. Hello, end of the world.

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Feral #9 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Feral – @ImageComics – #TonyFleecs – #TrishForstner – #ToneRodriguez – #BradSimpson –

By: Tony Fleecs (Author-Cover Art), Trish Forstner (Cover Art-Artist), Tone Rodriguez (Cover Art-Artist), Brad Simpson (Artist)


What once seemed like sanctuary has become a dangerous nightmare as Elsie races to save Gigi and her kittens from human enemies and rabid animals!

Don’t miss the penultimate chapter to the second arc of this smash-hit series from the creators of STRAY DOGS!

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Spiralmind : Mezmeriza #2 Available January 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Spiralmind – @Markosia – #BenitoPerez – #MatthewRothblatt – #GyulaNemeth –

By: Benito Perez (Author), Matthew Rothblatt (Author), Gyula Nemeth (Artist)

SPIRALMIND: MEZMERIZA II – the saga continues with SPIRALMIND coming to save priest Father Tom. SPIRALMIND jumps into action to disrupt her master plan but not before she takes control of SPIRALMIND’S inner thoughts where she discovers true horror. It is Psychic powers vs science.

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Blades in the Darkness | Official Trailer

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #BladesintheDarkness – @IndicanPictures –

An investment group invests a large sum of money into opening a sweet new bar/nightclub in a long-forgotten former communist bunker! As they go about renovating the space into a mix of punk, goth and hipster they suddenly face a monster, hidden for decades that is armed with blades and thirsty for blood…

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Curse of the Devil / Vampires Night Orgy / Demon Witch Child [Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray Promo]

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #CurseoftheDevil – #VampiresNightOrgy – #DemonWitchChild – @VinegarSyndrome –

From bloodier and sexier reimaginings of gothic tropes to shameless homespun ripoffs of international hits, 70s Spanish horror films offered wild and unforgettable delights for audiences domestically and abroad. Three key names working in the genre, Carlos Aured, León Klimovsky, and Amando de Ossorio, helped define and refine what genre films in Spain became most infamous for. Presented here is one key work by each auteur, all of which have been newly and exclusively restored by Vinegar Syndrome for this release.

In CURSE OF THE DEVIL (El Retorno de Walpurgis), director Carlos Aured’s (Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll) second collaboration with star Paul Naschy (Frankenstein’s Bloody Terror), lycanthrope Waldemar Daninsky is back; doomed to become a bloodthirsty werewolf as punishment for his family’s involvement in centuries-old witch trials. Co-written by Naschy and focusing on his familiar blend of carefully constructed characters juxtaposed with gruesome gore, CURSE OF THE DEVIL has been newly restored in 4K. It is presented in its uncensored original version, which features extended nudity and bloodier violence as compared to the more commonly seen international cut.

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The Seventh Curse / Witch From Nepal (1986) [Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray Promo Trailer]

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #TheSeventhCurse – #WitchFromNepal – @VinegarSyndrome –

Golden Harvest was one of Hong Kong’s biggest and most prolific producers of big-budget genre films, with titles ranging from martial arts adventures to grisly horror and thrillers. Presented here are a set of genre-defying and genre-blending classics that skillfully intertwine horror, action, fantasy, and generally jaw-dropping weirdness.

Dr. Yuan is a world-famous adventurer whose exploits have found him playing everything from hostage negotiator to exploring the most offbeat corners of the globe. While in the jungles of Thailand, Dr. Yuan rescues a young woman from a bloodthirsty supernatural sect named the “Worm Tribe,” as they attempt to sacrifice her to their ancient evil deity. After a Worm Tribe elder forces the doctor to swallow a handful of bullets, Dr. Yuan becomes afflicted by the “seven blood curses,” which cause the bullets to burst from his body. Determined to find a cure before the seventh and final curse takes his life, Dr. Yuan returns to the jungle, where he must defeat the Worm Tribe and other unexpected supernatural obstacles.

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Deranged (1974) [Vinegar Syndrome 4K Ultra HD & Blu-ray Promo Trailer]

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #Deranged – @VinegarSyndrome –

Ezra Cobb leads a simple life on an isolated family farm with his overbearing, god-fearing mother, who spends her days ranting about the evils of women and the sins of the flesh. When Ma Cobb suddenly and violently expires, Ezra is plunged into a deep despair, and his already troubled mind crosses over into full-blown psychopathy. Wracked with loneliness, Ezra begins plundering the local graveyard to obtain companions to bring home with him, starting with his dear mother, whom he props up in her bed and holds conversations with. But soon, even this collection of cadavers isn’t company enough for old Ez’, and he decides to turn his attention to fresher subjects… 

Based on the real-life case of the “Plainfield Ghoul” Ed Gein – the infamous Wisconsin murderer and graverobber whose exploits similarly inspired the likes of Psycho, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and The Silence of the Lambs – 1974’s DERANGED offers up one of the most faithful cinematic retellings of this true-crime story, with Roberts Blossom (Home Alone) delivering a chilling and highly credible central performance as Ezra Cobb. Co-directed by Jeff Gillen and Alan Ormsby (who also penned Bob Clark’s Deathdream), and with early special effects work from a young Tom Savini (Dawn of the Dead) – some of which proved so gruesomely effective that they had to be excised to secure the film a theatrical release – Vinegar Syndrome is delighted to disinter the fully unexpurgated version of DERANGED for its world UHD premiere, newly restored in 4K from its original camera negative and loaded with a ghoulish array of new and archival extras.

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Dark Nuns | Teaser Trailer | Starring Song Hye-kyo | In Theaters February 7

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #DarkNuns – @wellgousa –

After learning that the priest cannot arrive in time to save a young boy possessed by a powerful evil spirit, two nuns take on the dangerous forbidden exorcism ritual themselves in direct violation of the Church’s sacred order—putting both their lives and their immortal souls in grave danger.

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Birdeater | Cinematography | In Theaters January 10

#horror – #Trailers – #horrormovies – #Birdeater – @darkskyfilms –

A bride-to-be joins her fiance’s bachelor party in the remote Australian Outback. As the festivities spiral into beer-soaked chaos, uncomfortable details about their relationship are exposed, turning the celebration into a feral nightmare.

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Friday, January 3, 2025: The Monster Beneath Us Premieres Today on Digital

#horror – #horrormovies – #TheMonsterBeneathUs –

Yorkshire, 1898. A grieving woman and her son move back to the unoccupied house of her ex husband, recently found dead, but they discover that they are not alone inside the house.

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Friday, January 3, 2025: The Damned Premieres Today in Theaters

#horror – #horrormovies – #TheDamned –

A 19th-century widow is tasked with making an impossible choice when, during an especially cruel winter, a ship sinks off the coast of her impoverished Icelandic fishing village. Any attempt to rescue survivors risks further depleting the starving villagers’ supplies.

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Prairie Gods #4 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PrairieGods – @MadCaveStudios – #ShaneConneryVolk –

By: Shane Connery Volk (Author)

The Broadacres Silver Mine explosion of 1877 and the vast treasure it supposedly buried is far more than a local legend. So many treasure hunters have died trying to find it that the old abandoned mine and its museum have been shut down. No one knows more about the treasure and the legend surrounding it than former tour guide Anna Dara. When a mysterious stranger makes her an offer she can’t refuse, she agrees to take him down the mine. Unfortunately for her, the stranger is hiding dangerous secrets. Unfortunately for him, so is she.

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The Body Trade #4 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheBodyTrade – @MadCaveStudios – #ZacThompson – #Jok –

By: Zac Thompson (Author), Jok (Illustrator)

Kim wakes handcuffed to a hospital bed. His reckless quest for vengeance has finally caught up with him. An old friend arrives to deliver some devastating news… he’s dying. But if Kim so chooses… he can donate his body to “science”.

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Altered States : Purgatori Grindhouse #1 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #AlteredStates – @DynamiteComics – #RayFawkes – #AlvaroSarraseca –

By: Ray Fawkes (Author), Alvaro Sarraseca (Artist)

Welcome to Altered States — Dynamite Entertainment’s parallel reality in the vein of DC’s Elseworlds and Marvel’s What If?!

In the summer of 1976, Tori Sachs and her friends went to an innocent beach party to celebrate the end of high school… and wandered into a scene of satanic carnage that would shock the world!

Now, decades later, the truth can at last be told, and the burning questions answered: Why were the teens targeted for slaughter that night? And what unholy creature did they fall victim to?

Written by master of the macabre RAY FAWKES (Constantine, Justice League Dark) and illustrated by veteran Purgatori whisperer FEDERICO SORRESSA, Altered States: Purgatori Grindhouse returns readers to the golden age of slasher entertainment — complete with sinfully era-appropriate covers from JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, LUCIO PARRILLO, MIKE ROOTH, and cosplay by RACHEL HOLLON!

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Raise Hell (Comixology Originals) Vol. 1 Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #RaiseHell – #JordanAlsaqa – #MarkBouchard – #RayNadine – # –

By: Jordan Alsaqa (Author), Mark Bouchard (Editor), Ray Nadine (Cover Art-Artist-Colorist-Letterer)

Best friends Victor, Reeves, and Miri thought that summoning their own demonic familiar would be a great way to end their summer vacation, but they never could’ve foreseen the devious little imp the depths would spit up. Still, as lazy and annoying as Alistair the Malicious can be, he’s just the start to a junior year filled with mystical janitors, haunted malls, and demonic possessions. Add on to that all the angst, unrequited romance, and awkward self-discovery that comes with being a teenager, and there’s more haunted hijinks and demonic detours than anyone can handle in Raise Hell!

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Starring Boris Karloff (Legendary Comics Classic Monsters) Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #MaryShelleysFrankenstein – @LegendaryComics – #KerryGammill – #MaryShelley – #RobertNapton – #ElGaring – #Comicraft –

By: Kerry Gammill (Author-Artist), Mary Shelley (Author), Robert Napton (Author), El Garing (Artist), Comicraft (Letterer)

Mary Shelley’s iconic masterpiece is brought to life with the definitive on-screen Frankenstein, Boris Karloff, in this stunning new graphic novel!

Decades before the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells, 18-year-old Mary Shelley wrote what many regard as the first work of science fiction when she penned FRANKENSTEIN: or, the MODERN PROMETHEUS, which was published in 1818.

Over one hundred years later, in 1931, a hard-working but relatively unknown actor named Boris Karloff was cast to play Frankenstein’s monster in James Whale’s now classic movie adaptation. The film made Karloff a star and solidified Frankenstein’s monster as an icon of the silver screen.

In 2024, Legendary Comics is proud to bring Shelley and Karloff together for the first time in a faithful adaptation of the novel starring the iconic actor in the lead role of the fully reimagined monster. In partnership with Sara Karloff of Karloff Enterprises, and featuring the artistic talents of Kerry Gammill and El Garing, the team behind the award-winning BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA STARRING BELA LUGOSI, this new graphic novel is certain to delight and terrify old and new fans alike.

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The Lycan #1 (Comixology Originals) Available February 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheLycan – #ThomasJane – #DavidJamesKelly – #MikeCarey – #TimBradstreet – #DiegoYapur – #DCAlonso – #AndWorldDesign –

By: Thomas Jane (Author-Editor), David James Kelly (Author), Mike Carey (Author), Tim Bradstreet (Cover Art), Diego Yapur (Artist), DC Alonso (Colorist), AndWorld Design (Letterer)

Year of Our Lord 1777: A hardened band of international big game hunters returning from Africa are shipwrecked off a small British island.

In exchange for new supplies and the repairing of their good ship The Calydonian, Lord Ludgate engages the men for a task they are particularly well suited for: find the Berserking Beasts that have been eating his subjects, including a group of young Benedictine Nuns, and destroy them.

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Murder by Decree (1979) (4K Ultra HD) Available January 21

#horror – #horrormovies – #MurderbyDecree – #KLStudioClassics – @KLStudioClassic –

From Bob Clark, the acclaimed director of Dead of Night, Black Christmas, Breaking Point, Porky’s and A Christmas Story, comes this horrifying murder-mystery which pits legendary detective Sherlock Holmes against the notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper! When Scotland Yard is unable to stop the gruesome rampage of Jack the Ripper, a citizens’ committee asks Sherlock Holmes (Christopher Plummer, The Silent Partner) and his trusted associate Dr. John H. Watson (James Mason, The Man Between) to investigate. Now the brilliant pair must follow a terrifying trail of clues that includes a frightened psychic (Donald Sutherland, The Great Train Robbery), a suspicious inspector (David Hemmings, Juggernaut), an institutionalized woman (Geneviève Bujold, Coma) and the Prime Minister of England (John Gielgud, Murder on the Orient Express). But even if Holmes and Watson’s remarkable powers of deduction can unmask the maniacal fiend, are they prepared to face the most shocking secret of all? Find out in this masterful suspense thriller that both fans and critics have called the most exciting and original Sherlock Holmes movie ever made! The amazing supporting cast includes Susan Clark (Coogan’s Bluff), Anthony Quayle (The Guns of Navarone) and Frank Finlay (Robbery).

STARRING: Christopher Plummer, James Mason, Donald Sutherland, David Hemmings

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Orca (1977) (aka Orca: The Killer Whale) (Special Edition 4K Ultra HD) Available January 28

#horror – #horrormovies – #Orca – #KLStudioClassics – @KLStudioClassic –

The killer whale is one of the most intelligent creatures in the universe. Incredibly, he is the only animal other than man who kills for revenge. Producer Dino De Laurentiis (Death Wish, King Kong) and director Michael Anderson (Logan’s Run) join forces to present the rousing action-adventure story of Orca: The Killer Whale. It’s the epic tale of one powerful being against another: a strong, determined fisherman named Captain Nolan (the mighty Richard Harris, Juggernaut) versus an equally determined whale. When the giant whale’s pregnant mate is maimed and killed by Nolan, in a twist on Moby Dick, the whale seeks vengeance on the man. Orca smashes boats, collapses buildings and even manages to cause enormous destruction by fire in this slick seafaring thriller brimming with nerve-jangling suspense and spectacular special effects! Featuring music by the maestro Ennio Morricone (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and co-starring screen icons Charlotte Rampling (Zardoz), Will Sampson (The White Buffalo) and Bo Derek (10) in her stunning movie debut.

STARRING: Richard Harris, Charlotte Rampling, Bo Derek, Will Sampson

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Trick Or Treat (1986) (4K Ultra HD) Available March 11

#horror – #horrormovies – #TrickOrTreat – #SynapseFilms – @synapsefilms –

Rock ‘n’ roll will never die, in this 1980s cult favorite that stars Marc Price (Family Ties) as Eddie Weinbauer, a teenage outcast who idolizes Sammi Curr (Tony Fields), a heavy metal superstar. After Sammi dies a violent death, his spirit returns to help Eddie get even with his high school tormentors. In doing so, Sammi begins to gain control over Eddie’s life and brings him deeper into the world of the occult. When Eddie realizes that he has become the tool of Sammi’s vengeance, he attempts to stop him, and the horrifying events that follow leave no one unscathed. Featuring special appearances by Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne, Trick or Treat marked the directorial debut of veteran actor Charles Martin Smith (Never Cry Wolf, Starman) and features a legendary soundtrack by Fastway. Red Shirt Home Video and Synapse Films are proud to present this heavy metal horror classic in an all-new 4K restoration presented with a head-banging 5.1 surround sound mix and loaded with hours of supplemental material including multiple commentary tracks and a feature-length video retrospective! No false metal!

STARRING: Gene Simmons, Glen Morgan, Lisa Orgolini, Marc Price

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Venom (1982) (4K Ultra HD) Available March 25

#horror – #horrormovies – #Venom – #BlueUnderground – @blueunderground –

Behind the drapes… Between the walls… In your bed… A thriller to make your skin crawl!It was supposed to be the perfect crime: the sexy maid (Susan George of STRAW DOGS), a psychotic chauffeur (Oliver Reed of THE BROOD) and an international terrorist (Klaus Kinski of NOSFERATU THE VAMPYRE) kidnap a wealthy ten-year-old boy from his elegant London townhouse. But they didn’t count on a murdered cop, a desperate hostage siege, and one very unexpected houseguest: a furious Black Mamba, the most lethal and aggressive snake known to nature. It can attack from ten feet away. Its bite brings excruciating death. And it is on the loose. Now, terror knows no antidote… and the ultimate in slithering mayhem is VENOM.Sterling Hayden (THE KILLING), Nicol Williamson (EXCALIBUR) and Sarah Miles (BLOW-UP) co-star in this gripping suspense thriller based on the novel by best-selling author Alan Scholefield and directed by Piers Haggard (THE BLOOD ON SATAN’S CLAW). Blue Underground is now proud to present VENOM in a brand-new restoration, scanned in 4K 16-bit from its 35mm IN, with Dolby Vision HDR and a new Dolby Atmos audio mix, and packed with revealing new Extras!

STARRING: Klaus Kinski, Nicol Williamson, Oliver Reed, Sarah Miles

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