Frankenstein (Universal Monsters) Available April 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Frankenstein – @ImageComics – #MichaelWalsh –

By: Michael Walsh

Perfect for fans of UNIVERSAL MONSTERS: DRACULA and THE SILVER COIN – UNIVERSAL MONSTERS: FRANKENSTEIN breathes new life into the tale of one of pop culture’s most beloved monsters.


Award-winning creator Michael Walsh (The Silver Coin) presents a jaw-dropping new vision of the seminal horror classic. This deluxe hardcover tells the shocking creation story of the unforgettable monster in the original film—one body part at a time.

Dr. Henry Frankenstein begins his unholy quest to create life by robbing the grave of a decorated police officer to find necessary parts. But little does he know that the corpse has a son who is mourning a father – and that this young boy will forever change Frankenstein’s life.


Read more “Frankenstein (Universal Monsters) Available April 8”

Creepshow Vol. 3 Available April 1

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Creepshow – @ImageComics – #ChipZdarsky – #JamesStokoe – #JohnRidley – #MikeCarey – #KaganMcLeod – #JorgeFornés – #StefanoRaffaele –

By: Chip Zdarsky (Author), James Stokoe (Author-Illustrator), John Ridley (Author), Mike Carey (Author), Kagan McLeod (Illustrator), Jorge Fornés (Illustrator), Stefano Raffaele (Illustrator)

The smash-hit horror anthology based on the hit Shudder TV series continues to CREEP its way into readers’ hearts!

In the third volume of the Eisner Award-Nominated anthology, the Creep finds even more ways to exceed our waking nightmares!

This time with help from a truly frightful roster including Chip Zdarsky, John Ridley, James Stokoe, Jorge Fornés, and more! Readers may want to sleep with one eye open after perusing these haunting tales.


Collects Creepshow Vol.3 #1-5.

Read more “Creepshow Vol. 3 Available April 1”

Pathfinder : Worldscape Vol. 3 Available February 18

horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Pathfinder – @DynamiteComics – #ErikMona – #ChristopherPaulCarey – #RobertoCastro – #DiegoGalindo – #MattGaudio – #ChrisCampana – #KendalGates –

By: Erik Mona (Author), Christopher Paul Carey (Author), Roberto Castro (Artist), Diego Galindo (Artist), Matt Gaudio (Artist), Chris Campana (Artist), Kendal Gates (Artist)

Four tales of strange and wonderful characters pulled from the various cosmoses of the Pathfinder WORLDSCAPE! These tales bring the comic book worlds of Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, The Reanimator, and Swords of Sorrow into a world of fantastic fantasy adventure. Now you can expand your horizons with comic book hereos and villains as your own merry band of adventurers comes together with these four stories collected in Worldscape Volume 3!

Worldscape Vampirella: Vampirella and her old companion, the third-rate magician Pendragon, revive their stage show for a reunion tour that propels them all the way to a fragment of Vampirella’s home planet of Drakulon, ensnared in the multi-dimensional Worldscape! There, Vampirella must confront the shades of her past while Pendragon pits his false magic against the very real spells of the Pathfinders Seoni and Seltyiel!

Worldscape Dejah Thoris: When Dejah Thoris and Tars Tarkas investigate a mysterious gap in the memory of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, they find themselves hurled into the interdimensional demiplane of the Worldscape. Caught in a bloody conflict between the Council of Jungle Kings and a Technic League captain from Golarion, Dejah Thoris must use both her scientific knowledge and her keen-edged blade to survive the perils of the Worldscape.

Worldscape Reanimator: The blood of a thousand Therns drowns Shareen’s arena. Empress Camilla’s corpse lies among an army of White Martian dead. To Herbert West, Re-Animator, the arena is a vast laboratory of fresh specimens. Conquering the secret of life and death means unlocking the science of Camilla’s fountain of youth, but H. P. Lovecraft’s most cantankerous scientist must work fast, before Shareen’s next would-be empress comes calling!

Worldscape Swords of Sorrow: From her castle gallery at the edge of Everywhere, the immortal witch known as the Traveller gazes across the multiverse. With Dejah Thoris and Vampirella already drawn into the dimensional prison of the Worldscape, two of her Swords of Sorrow generals are missing. Can the mighty Red Sonja be far behind?

Read more “Pathfinder : Worldscape Vol. 3 Available February 18”

Hard Bargain Available March 25

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #HardBargain – #StevenDeKnight – #LenoCarvalho – #BrunoHang – #TroyPeteri –

By: Steven DeKnight (Author), Leno Carvalho (Artist), Bruno Hang (Colorist), Troy Peteri (Letterer)

In this dark supernatural thriller, a detective races to solve a deadly mystery in the heart of Los Angeles before a horrific fate descends upon everyone it touches.

HARD BARGAIN, an original graphic novel from acclaimed Daredevil and Spartacus filmmaker Steven S. DeKnight with artist Leno Carvalho, colorist Bruno Hang, and letterer Troy Peteri.

This is a book crafted in the Humanoids tradition, created and written by a scribe at the top of his game, with art by an incredible artist with influences from both US comics and European bande dessinée.

1940. The city is named Los Angeles, but you’d be hard pressed to find any angels there. Demons, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen, and if you have the bad luck to get mixed up with one, there’s only one private detective to call: Frank Harding.

Demons, monsters, and various and sundry mystical ne’er-do-wells are Frank’s bread and butter. With the help of his gal Friday, Nahla, and his hookup to magical munitions, Rumi, there’s not much he can’t handle.

But “not much” ain’t “nothing.” A mysterious woman is using dark magics to push old friends of Frank’s to perform nightmarish self-mutilations, and all signs point to Frank being next.

With time running out, Frank follows every lead he has to keep one step ahead of annihilation, including his old arch-nemesis Doctor Wraith and even Death herself.

Frank’s investigation unearths tough truths, old sins, and new terrors that threaten everything he holds dear, and if he wants even the slightest chance to make it out alive he’s going to have to put everything on the table for one last HARD BARGAIN.

Read more “Hard Bargain Available March 25”

The Order of the Circle Available February 18

The Order of the Circle Available February 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheOrderoftheCircle – @DeadSkyPub – #LeviCory – #MariaLetiziaMirabella – #EvadelaCruz – #AnnaKubik – #ElisabethMkheidze –

By: Levi Cory (Author), Maria Letizia Mirabella (Editor), Eva de la Cruz (Editor), Anna Kubik (Editor), Elisabeth Mkheidze (Illustrator)

London. The winter of 1952. A mysterious and deadly Smog has enveloped the city leaving it in a panic. Crime is up, hospitals are overrun, businesses are closed and all travel is shut down.

It’s the perfect cover for Dorothy Schafer to carry out her revenge plan against The Circle–an agency of mages and witches sworn to protect London from crime and disease since the Middle Ages.

Under The Circle’s rules, Dorothy’s husband, John, was unjustly found guilty of murder and the punishment was swift: a Demon was summoned and dragged him straight to Hell. To get vengeance for her husband, Dorothy undertakes a quest to craft a blade for battle against The Circle…and Hell itself.

Read more “The Order of the Circle Available February 18”

The Tooth Available February 11

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheTooth – @DarkHorseComics – @cullenbunn – #CullenBunn – #ShawnLee – #MattKindt –

By: Cullen Bunn (Author), Shawn Lee (Author), Matt Kindt (Illustrator)

Cullen Bunn (Harrow County), Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT), and Shawn Lee present an original graphic novel that’s a true love letter to old-school pulp horror, classic comic books, and monster movies.

Face front, horror hounds! The greatest of ghoulish gladiators gouges a gruesome gangway through your guts in the Grand Guignol tradition! Creepy Cullen Bunn, Sinister Shawn Lee, and Murderous Matt Kindt bring you the most spectacular of horrifying heroes―The Tooth!

Be the first kid on your block to follow the offbeat adventures of the Incredible Incisor . . . the Monstrous Molar . . . the Courageous Carnassial . . . as he squares off against vicious demons, hell bent sorcerers, vengeful spirits, and undead dragons!

This new edition of The Tooth features the long out-of-print cult classic comic book in a newly designed edition featuring a brand-new cover by Matt Kindt.

Read more “The Tooth Available February 11”

HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: January 3, 2025

#horror – #horrormovies – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #WeeklyReleases – 

Here’s a review of this week’s comic and movie releases and premieres!

Read more “HNO’s Big Fat Friday Review: January 3, 2025”

The Last Wardens #6 Available January 22

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheLastWardens – @MadCaveStudios – #ElliotSperl – #AmitTishler – #RuiSilveira – # –

By: Elliot Sperl (Author), Amit Tishler (Author), Rui Silveira (Illustrator)

Danielle Pryer leads the Wardens to the bleeding heart of Bleakwood In a final desperate attempt to defeat the Drifter. Working together as a team, the Wardens make their last stand as Danny finally discovers the origins of her brother’s monstrous mutation and what will happen to the world if she fails to stop it.

Read more “The Last Wardens #6 Available January 22”

The Walking Dead Deluxe #105 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheWalkingDead – @ImageComics – @Skybound – #RobertKirkman – #DavidFinch – #DaveMcCaig – #CharlieAdlard –

By: Robert Kirkman (Author), David Finch (Cover Art), Dave McCaig (Cover Art-Artist), Charlie Adlard (Artist)

Negan asks Carl to sing him a song.

Read more “The Walking Dead Deluxe #105 Available January 15”

Nights #12 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Nights – @ImageComics – #WyattKennedy – #LuigiFormisano –

By: Wyatt Kennedy (Author), Luigi Formisano (Illustrator-Cover Art-Artist)


No more jokes. No more teases. No more misdirections. Gray’s destiny is at last revealed. An old enemy reemerges to deliver unbelievable carnage, and no one is safe. This is the end of everything you’ve known and the start of something new. It’s an issue with such massive consequences, we needed more pages to tell it! Everything comes to a head in a status-quo shifting season finale. Goodbye, Santo Pedro. Hello, end of the world.

Read more “Nights #12 Available January 15”

Feral #9 Available January 15

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Feral – @ImageComics – #TonyFleecs – #TrishForstner – #ToneRodriguez – #BradSimpson –

By: Tony Fleecs (Author-Cover Art), Trish Forstner (Cover Art-Artist), Tone Rodriguez (Cover Art-Artist), Brad Simpson (Artist)


What once seemed like sanctuary has become a dangerous nightmare as Elsie races to save Gigi and her kittens from human enemies and rabid animals!

Don’t miss the penultimate chapter to the second arc of this smash-hit series from the creators of STRAY DOGS!

Read more “Feral #9 Available January 15”

Spiralmind : Mezmeriza #2 Available January 10

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Spiralmind – @Markosia – #BenitoPerez – #MatthewRothblatt – #GyulaNemeth –

By: Benito Perez (Author), Matthew Rothblatt (Author), Gyula Nemeth (Artist)

SPIRALMIND: MEZMERIZA II – the saga continues with SPIRALMIND coming to save priest Father Tom. SPIRALMIND jumps into action to disrupt her master plan but not before she takes control of SPIRALMIND’S inner thoughts where she discovers true horror. It is Psychic powers vs science.

Read more “Spiralmind : Mezmeriza #2 Available January 10”

Prairie Gods #4 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #PrairieGods – @MadCaveStudios – #ShaneConneryVolk –

By: Shane Connery Volk (Author)

The Broadacres Silver Mine explosion of 1877 and the vast treasure it supposedly buried is far more than a local legend. So many treasure hunters have died trying to find it that the old abandoned mine and its museum have been shut down. No one knows more about the treasure and the legend surrounding it than former tour guide Anna Dara. When a mysterious stranger makes her an offer she can’t refuse, she agrees to take him down the mine. Unfortunately for her, the stranger is hiding dangerous secrets. Unfortunately for him, so is she.

Read more “Prairie Gods #4 Available January 8”

The Body Trade #4 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheBodyTrade – @MadCaveStudios – #ZacThompson – #Jok –

By: Zac Thompson (Author), Jok (Illustrator)

Kim wakes handcuffed to a hospital bed. His reckless quest for vengeance has finally caught up with him. An old friend arrives to deliver some devastating news… he’s dying. But if Kim so chooses… he can donate his body to “science”.

Read more “The Body Trade #4 Available January 8”

Altered States : Purgatori Grindhouse #1 Available January 8

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #AlteredStates – @DynamiteComics – #RayFawkes – #AlvaroSarraseca –

By: Ray Fawkes (Author), Alvaro Sarraseca (Artist)

Welcome to Altered States — Dynamite Entertainment’s parallel reality in the vein of DC’s Elseworlds and Marvel’s What If?!

In the summer of 1976, Tori Sachs and her friends went to an innocent beach party to celebrate the end of high school… and wandered into a scene of satanic carnage that would shock the world!

Now, decades later, the truth can at last be told, and the burning questions answered: Why were the teens targeted for slaughter that night? And what unholy creature did they fall victim to?

Written by master of the macabre RAY FAWKES (Constantine, Justice League Dark) and illustrated by veteran Purgatori whisperer FEDERICO SORRESSA, Altered States: Purgatori Grindhouse returns readers to the golden age of slasher entertainment — complete with sinfully era-appropriate covers from JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, LUCIO PARRILLO, MIKE ROOTH, and cosplay by RACHEL HOLLON!

Read more “Altered States : Purgatori Grindhouse #1 Available January 8”

Raise Hell (Comixology Originals) Vol. 1 Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #RaiseHell – #JordanAlsaqa – #MarkBouchard – #RayNadine – # –

By: Jordan Alsaqa (Author), Mark Bouchard (Editor), Ray Nadine (Cover Art-Artist-Colorist-Letterer)

Best friends Victor, Reeves, and Miri thought that summoning their own demonic familiar would be a great way to end their summer vacation, but they never could’ve foreseen the devious little imp the depths would spit up. Still, as lazy and annoying as Alistair the Malicious can be, he’s just the start to a junior year filled with mystical janitors, haunted malls, and demonic possessions. Add on to that all the angst, unrequited romance, and awkward self-discovery that comes with being a teenager, and there’s more haunted hijinks and demonic detours than anyone can handle in Raise Hell!

Read more “Raise Hell (Comixology Originals) Vol. 1 Available January 7”

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Starring Boris Karloff (Legendary Comics Classic Monsters) Available January 7

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #MaryShelleysFrankenstein – @LegendaryComics – #KerryGammill – #MaryShelley – #RobertNapton – #ElGaring – #Comicraft –

By: Kerry Gammill (Author-Artist), Mary Shelley (Author), Robert Napton (Author), El Garing (Artist), Comicraft (Letterer)

Mary Shelley’s iconic masterpiece is brought to life with the definitive on-screen Frankenstein, Boris Karloff, in this stunning new graphic novel!

Decades before the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells, 18-year-old Mary Shelley wrote what many regard as the first work of science fiction when she penned FRANKENSTEIN: or, the MODERN PROMETHEUS, which was published in 1818.

Over one hundred years later, in 1931, a hard-working but relatively unknown actor named Boris Karloff was cast to play Frankenstein’s monster in James Whale’s now classic movie adaptation. The film made Karloff a star and solidified Frankenstein’s monster as an icon of the silver screen.

In 2024, Legendary Comics is proud to bring Shelley and Karloff together for the first time in a faithful adaptation of the novel starring the iconic actor in the lead role of the fully reimagined monster. In partnership with Sara Karloff of Karloff Enterprises, and featuring the artistic talents of Kerry Gammill and El Garing, the team behind the award-winning BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA STARRING BELA LUGOSI, this new graphic novel is certain to delight and terrify old and new fans alike.

Read more “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Starring Boris Karloff (Legendary Comics Classic Monsters) Available January 7”

The Lycan #1 (Comixology Originals) Available February 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheLycan – #ThomasJane – #DavidJamesKelly – #MikeCarey – #TimBradstreet – #DiegoYapur – #DCAlonso – #AndWorldDesign –

By: Thomas Jane (Author-Editor), David James Kelly (Author), Mike Carey (Author), Tim Bradstreet (Cover Art), Diego Yapur (Artist), DC Alonso (Colorist), AndWorld Design (Letterer)

Year of Our Lord 1777: A hardened band of international big game hunters returning from Africa are shipwrecked off a small British island.

In exchange for new supplies and the repairing of their good ship The Calydonian, Lord Ludgate engages the men for a task they are particularly well suited for: find the Berserking Beasts that have been eating his subjects, including a group of young Benedictine Nuns, and destroy them.

Read more “The Lycan #1 (Comixology Originals) Available February 18”

Arkham Horror : The Terror at the End of Time #4 Available March 26

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ArkhamHorror – @DarkHorseComics – @cullenbunn – #CullenBunn – #RafaelAlbuquerque – #AndreaMutti – #ValerioAlloro – #HassanOtsmaneElhaou –

By: Cullen Bunn (Author), Rafael Albuquerque (Cover Art), Andrea Mutti (Artist), Valerio Alloro (Colorist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Letterer)

Teetering on the brink of insanity and marooned on the Stairway of Time, Joe and Jenny must learn how to control the hourglass and take hold of their fates…or be lost forever. Meanwhile, Abigail Olmstead is determined to sacrifice Izzie Barnes to Dezmaethragel—the Feaster—and take command of the sands of time. It’s a clash between chaos and control in the thrilling climax to this mind-bending mystery! • Written by Eisner-nominated master of horror Cullen Bunn. • Four issue series.

Read more “Arkham Horror : The Terror at the End of Time #4 Available March 26”

The Confessional : A Graphic Novel Available March 19

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheConfessional – @ssbcpunk – #PaigeHender –

By: Paige Hender

In this compelling debut horror graphic novel, a newly turned vampire yearns for salvation in the arms of the priest who uncovers her secret.

New Orleans, 1922. Cora Velasquez lives with her sister and her own haunted memories in a speakeasy run by a vampire coven. Unable to bear the weight of her damned soul, she turns to Father Orville Thibodeaux, a charismatic priest and the object of her hidden desires. Their veiled courtship becomes deadly serious when he discovers her nature, and proposes a way to both slake her thirst and save her soul. So begins the charged dance between an all-powerful but unsure young woman, and the mortal man who claims to hold her fate in his hand.

A gothic story of adoration, power, and manipulation, lushly told in Art Nouveau-inspired illustration.

Read more “The Confessional : A Graphic Novel Available March 19”

We Are Zombies Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #WeAreZombies – @humanoidsinc – #JerryFrissen – #GuyDavis –

By: Jerry Frissen (Author), Guy Davis (Illustrator)

Los Angeles, 2060s. In a world where humans have to coexist alongside the living dead, a new work opportunity arises: zombie pest control.

“When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will appear…in comic books. We Are Zombies is a terrific series!” —George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead)

Read more “We Are Zombies Available March 18”

Vampirella Dark Reflections Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Vampirella – @DynamiteComics – #TomSniegoski – #MikeSel – #JeannineAcheson – #PaizoStaff – #DanielMaine –

By: Tom Sniegoski (Author), Mike Selinker (Author), Jeannine Acheson (Author), Paizo Staff (Author), Daniel Maine (Artist)

The Daughters of Drakulon return with a vengeance in an all-new tale of the Vampiverse!

Vampirella’s daughter Lilith, now working for the Reality Corporation, has received her first assignment: investigate an anomaly in one of the many threads of the Fabric where the Vampirella of that world has gone eerily silent. Upon reaching this troubled reality, Lilith discovers a world overrun by the spawn of Chaos, and a Vampirella beaten and broken by the forces she has sworn to combat. Now, it’s up to Lilith to save this world from a monstrous evil and to restore Vampirella to the warrior of Order she once had been!

The acclaimed writing team of TOM SNIEGOSKI and JEANNINE ACHESON (Vampiverse, Pantha) reunite with artist DANIEL MAINE (Vampiverse, Chastity) for this exciting addition to the Expanded Vampirella Universe!

Read more “Vampirella Dark Reflections Available March 18”

Pathfinder Wake the Dead Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Pathfinder – @DynamiteComics – #FredVanLente – #PaizoStaff – #JasonAEngle – #EmanCasallos –

By: Fred Van Lente (Author), Paizo Staff (Author), Jason A. Engle (Author), Eman Casallos (Artist)

New creative team! New party of Iconics! New lands of Golarion to explore! The tantalizing prospect of a rendezvous with a Geb defector in possession of priceless secrets from that undead nation brings a diverse group of adventurers to the Nexian metropolis of Ecanus. When they find themselves cornered by the city’s remorseless Deathsealers, can the Iconics band together for survival–and escape a city full of hostile wizards alive?

Featuring playable character stats!

Written by Fred Van Lente, with incredible art by Eman Casallos and covers by Eman Casallos, Steve Ellis and Biagio d’Alessandro!

Read more “Pathfinder Wake the Dead Available March 18”

Pageant Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Pageant – @fantagraphics – #JustinGradin –

By: Justin Gradin

Justin Gradin’s sophomore graphic novel combines keen verbal and visual wit with a host of memorable characters to create an anarchic, absurdist comedy about lonely souls and the lonely soulless.

Ponce Melee is a lonely clock-puncher working for Twin Labs in the cloning dept. When he uses a strand of hair to clone a companion; it’s successful, but she immediately leaves him for greener pastures. So, he clones another potential companion. And that one leaves. And again. And again. Soon, multiple clones begin causing confusion and havoc around town. Meanwhile, one of the errant clones makes a pact with the devil that goes awry and strands Satan in town, forcing him to get a job.

Justin Gradin’s sophomore graphic novel (after 2023’s Mystic Debris) combines keen verbal and visual wit with a host of memorable characters ― Mandrake the Soda Jerk, private investigator Butterfly Latté, pop superstar Attilla the Hunny, and many more―to create an anarchic, absurdist comedy about lonely souls and the lonely soulless. Gradin’s work has echoes of Gary Panter, Gary Leib, Marc Bell, and Mark Beyer (and even some other cartoonists who may or may not be named Gary or Mark) while remaining a singular, sui generis voice in contemporary comics.

Full-color illustrations throughout

Read more “Pageant Available March 18”

King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 2 Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #KingConan – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas – #DougMoench – #AlanZelenetz – #JohnBuscema – #MarcSilvestri –

By: Roy Thomas (Author), Doug Moench (Author), Alan Zelenetz (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator), Marc Silvestri (Illustrator)

Volume 2 of the Conan the King Omnibus sees writers Alan Zelenetz and Don Kraar teaming up with Marc Silvestri, Mike Docherty, Judith Hunt, Geoff Isherwood and Mike Manley to bring a new era of Conan to life.

The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history. This is the legend of the time when Conan was KING!


Conan the barbarian, the thief, the mercenary, and now… Conan the king!

Believing his favorite son, Conn, to be dead after a reckless campaign in the treacherous region of Gunderland, Conan sets out with his elite squad, the Black Dragons, determined to retrieve his son’s body. But Conn is very much alive, and his perilous journey back to his father unfolds alongside Conan’s desperate quest.

Tensions rise with Conan’s other son, Taurus, who delves into dangerous witchcraft and sorcery, plotting to seize the throne. When a flaming bird, summoned by the malevolent witch Zandra, abducts Taurus, Conan embarks on a daring rescue mission to save his rebellious son.

This is only the beginning of Conan’s troubles. He faces relentless palace intrigue, warring factions, and ominous prophecies of war and famine that drive him into a deadly conflict with Nemedia, Aros, Ophir, and the Picts, who all scheme to conquer Aquilonia. Meanwhile, sinister plots brew behind his back as Crasus and Count Barthold conspire against the indomitable king…

Written by Alan Zelenetz and Don Kraar with artwork by Marc Silvestri, Mike Docherty, Judith Hunt, Mike Manley and Geoff Isherwood.

Read more “King Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 2 Available March 18”

Goobers Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Goobers – @thevaultcomics – #CodyZiglar – #RyanLee – #AdrianFWassel – #DershingHelmer –

By: Cody Ziglar (Author), Ryan Lee (Illustrator), Adrian F. Wassel (Editor), Der-shing Helmer (Editor)

Shaun of the Dead meets Nope with an injection of IT in GOOBERS – a hugely humorous horrorfest!

Something strange is bugging the residents of Pine Cove.

Clayton Lowe is headed back to his small Southern hometown, despite his best efforts to leave it in the rearview mirror. Clay’s new friends from grad school are about to meet his old friends from high school and discover that something may have finally changed in the town where nothing ever changes: Pine Cove is ground zero for an infestation of body-snatching alien-bugs.

Time to bury the past.

Read more “Goobers Available March 18”

Fishflies Available March 18

#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Fishflies – @ImageComics – #JeffLemire –

By: Jeff Lemire

A strange and surreal new tale of friendship and small town life from the creator of SWEET TOOTH and DESCENDER.

A small town crime sets off a chain of events that will permanently alter the lives of several residents of bucolic Belle River, Ontario. As the manhunt heats up, a lonely girl named Franny Fox forms an unlikely friendship with a fugitive that leads them both on an odyssey of discovery and redemption… a journey that also uncovers dark secrets from the town’s eery past.

Collects all issues #1-7.

Read more “Fishflies Available March 18”