S.O.S. : They Are Taking Us by Fabio Erelim & La’El Ofanim Available January 3

Author: Fabio Erelim & La’El Ofanim

SOS – They’re Taking Us is a book based on the real-life stories of Fabio Erelim and La’El Ofanim, bringing to light not only the issue of alien abductions, but also what is behind the curtains of the human experience.

This book brings a very realistic view of the abduction process, supposedly carried out by extraterrestrial entities that have been on Earth since the beginning of the human experience.

The reader will discover how humanity was created, the reason for the genetic design and its consequences for humanity, both in physicality and in the so-called higher dimensions.

SOS – They’re Taking Us is a must-read for anyone who prefers a bitter truth instead of a sweet lie, or the apathy with which these fundamental issues are commonly treated in the media and literature in general.

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